Rear brake issue.

Dandelionclock30 Posts: 306
edited February 2015 in Workshop
Hi, Could anyone help me with this please? The rear brake cable on my Cannondale comes out from under the top tube, and goes slightly upwards and then into the rear brake on the same side to the left.Its a standard promax brake. Anyway the problem is my leg brushes against it and it bugs me.
I've taken it back to the shop and they reduced the length of the cable which helped a bit and suggested that the only thing I can do really is tie the cable against the frame with a zip tie. I've done this and its as flush to the frame as possible but I can still feel it sometimes on my leg.
Any suggestions at all please?


  • munkster
    munkster Posts: 819
    Is your saddle particularly far back on the rails? Just wondering, if it were a little further forward maybe your leg (presumably when extended) will be marginally more to the fore as well and might not interfere with the cable outer so much? Obviously if your fit is OK now it would seem madness to adjust your position just for this.

    Other than that I got nothin' (unless you want some sarcasm) ;-) :-D
  • Thanks, I'll move it forward a little bit tomorrow. It seems o.k apart from this but I'll give it a go.