
thekickingmule Posts: 7,957
edited February 2015 in The Crudcatcher
Morning Losers!

Well my meeting with the director yesterday went well. Very well. He really liked my ideas, said it worked perfectly with his plans, and said this was exciting. He's now going to chat with some others to see what can be done. Awesomes.

Today, same old stuff at work, and then the rescheduled meetup with MissBint for veggie pizza. Surely Veggie restaraunts have a meat option?

It takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeeded.
Join us on UK-MTB we won't bite, but bring cake!
Blender Cube AMS Pro


  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,284
    Well done TKM - take meat with you and ask them to cook it for you, the won't mind

    Today is a lovely drive to Birmingham and another meeting, so tonight needs to be a run to combat all of the cake
  • kinioo
    kinioo Posts: 776
    Good to hear that TKM !

    A bit of snow here but enough to upset the traffic !!

    Office time now then off to site in Luton....yeah I know.

    Night rid tonight with local group - look forward to it !!

    Have a nice day,

  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,949
    Morning all,
    There's an award winning veggie restaurant near me, the EPO is a veggie so we went there once. I thought it was utterly sh!t, but didn't say too much to avoid upsetting the Mrs. After we left she commented that it was disgusting and we should never go there again. The table next to us had a load of beardy types wearing sandals and talking about yoga. Even the womenfolk had beards. Talk about feeling like a fish out of water.
    Anyway, with it being Thursday I seem to have my traditional Thursday hangover. The good thing about the pub having been refurbed is it now seems to attract more of the fairer sex. Old gits were outnumbered by MILFs by about 3:1, this is no bad thing. I don't think our drooling and leching put too many of them off, they probably just assumed we were drunken lecherous old gits.
    Anyway, more tea...
    Kinesis Pro6
    Marin Nail Trail
    Cotic Solaris
    Hmmm, should add a few more to this…
  • The Rookie
    The Rookie Posts: 27,816
    Morning Crudites

    Yet another slow day at work, so BR is my main source of amusement today!

    Hopefully out on the MTB tonight with a new group, lets see if the old fart can keep up, trouble is most groups I ride with now I am the oldest!
    Currently riding a Whyte T130C, X0 drivetrain, Magura Trail brakes converted to mixed wheel size (homebuilt wheels) with 140mm Fox 34 Rhythm and RP23 suspension. 12.2Kg.
  • MissBint37
    MissBint37 Posts: 1,503
    I am a big lover of bacons....however for me to continually frequent this place when said meats are not available, it must be bloody good....and it is! A fiver for a whopping great stonebaked pizza, best in town even sans pig!
    Ride it like you stole it!
  • oodboo
    oodboo Posts: 2,171
    Morning was spent fixing someone's shenanigans from yesterday. Closely followed by some fried pig and selection of other meats smothered in bbq cheesiness supported by bread for lunch. Now it's afternoon nap, tea and biscuits then home.

    I love horses, best of all the animals. I love horses, they're my friends.

  • schmako
    schmako Posts: 1,982
    Loving my new job, only contracted 20hrs but plenty of overtime about thankfully, gotta hope I get kept on. More time to ride anyway!

    And even better is the 50p all you can eat breakfast, plenty bacon, eggs, sausages, beans, hash browns, potato scones, black pudding and cake for after!
  • "Happy" Thorsday everyone. Today is a "problem" day - everyone's moaning about something, usually that they've ordered incorrectly and somehow that's our fault. Other than that, not too bad.
  • Antm81
    Antm81 Posts: 1,406
    Evening mongs,

    Spent the last 2 nights sleeping outside in the snow and ice, finally back indoors now with a swollen left knee and I need of sleep.

    Looking forward to tomorrow and getting back up north and home, pity about the drive and usual Friday traffic.
  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 62,339
    Another long day at work and I have to hang around as I am headed out to get food but not till 7.30. Seems some people work even harder than me. I will try to pedal in tomorrow no matter how unappealing is seems...
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]
  • "Happy" Thorsday everyone. Today is a "problem" day - everyone's moaning about something, usually that they've ordered incorrectly and somehow that's our fault. Other than that, not too bad.

    Shhh don't startle him everyone, let's be nice.

    Hi! Did you bring cake?
    It takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeeded.
    Join us on UK-MTB we won't bite, but bring cake!
    Blender Cube AMS Pro
  • I did but I got bored and ate it :mrgreen: