Carbon frame check

Kangars Posts: 34
edited February 2015 in Workshop

I was recently involved in an accident. basically car turned in front of me and i hit it on the passenger door. I have Ribble R872 and its about 5 months. Frameset looks brand new, not even a scratch from the accident. Even my front wheel looks in one piece and not damage, didnt even get a flat. However looks like my shifters took most of the impact, as i am pretty sure they smashed through passenger window or i have super strong chin.

So apart from my shifters everything looks pretty good, however im not sure about frameset. Is there any way to check? There are no visible damage, i took bike apart and fork feels strong and solid. ive been to the bike shop and was told not to ride this frame. Is there any other way i can check?


  • Bozman
    Bozman Posts: 2,518
    They're tougher than you think, I got hit side on by a car in October which caused over £1200 worth of damage to the car, the force knocked my rear wheel out and bent my bars(carbon) round ninety degrees but there wasn't a single mark on the frame and it's been fine.
  • My wheels didnt even come out, only bent bars but that was easy to put back into position. I was thinking about getting new shifters and maybe give it a ride up and down the street to give it a bit of a test. I should get some money from drivers insurance but thats taking ages. I am just a little bit worried if i get some speed and it will just collapse/shatter underneath me.
  • Bozman
    Bozman Posts: 2,518
    If you tap the carbon I've read that there's a noticeable difference in tone when you come across a crack.
    I just inspected the frame closely and took it out for a 20 mile test ride, after taking it steady for a few miles I hammered it for the rest of the ride so if it was going to go it would've gone, I've done about 2k since without an issue.
    I've come off carbon framed bikes a few times without damaging the frame, I've snapped rear mech hangers, written off shifters, saddles and derailleurs at the same time though.
    Every case will be different though.