20 problems only modern roadies have

BR_Gregor Posts: 222
edited March 2015 in Road general
David Rome has written a great list of problems for the modern roadie on the main site: http://www.bikeradar.com/road/gear/arti ... ave-43414/

Anyone else got any others we should add in?
Communities and On Your Bike Editor, BikeRadar


  • fatsmoker
    fatsmoker Posts: 585
    Finding the internet down at work or the Bike radar site down for maintenance. How else to kill the time at work? :)
  • Old_Timer
    Old_Timer Posts: 262
    Spending (wasting?) time on the 'net looking at various cycling forums, while I could be out riding.
    Lets just got for a ride, the heck with all this stuff...
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I thought it was an annoyingly rubbish sad list that should not really be added to.

    I did quite like number one. Not for any deep/nasty reason though.
    Would make a comical birthday card I reckon.
  • oHIo
    oHIo Posts: 1
    Your winter kit weighs more than your bike.
  • I must not be very road oriented, or not be very modern, because I have none of those problems. I just ride my bike, and use Strava on my phone to record.
  • rafletcher
    rafletcher Posts: 1,235
    I must not be very road oriented, or not be very modern, because I have none of those problems. I just ride my bike, and use Strava on my phone to record.

    That, of course IS your GPS.
  • telesv650
    telesv650 Posts: 59
    Can honestly say I've never experienced any of those.

    Mine would be:

    1. GPS unit reminds you of turn too late - que screeching brakes and mad dash turn.
    2. Turning right results in getting cold whilst waiting for traffic to clear