How do I fit an 11-speed cassette on an 8-speed freehub?

madsen Posts: 3
edited January 2015 in Workshop
...with a lot of preparation and one blow with the sledgehammer?

Well, seriously, I've got a Merida Race Lite 900 bike in Spain (I live in Finland) that I like. The frame, fork and other non mechanical things are quite good. The shifters, breaks, cassette and the rest...not so great. I now ordered a Shimano 105 (5800) groupset for it. Everything should be compatible except for the 11-speed cassette. The Merida has a Shimano FH-2200 freehub which, as far as I can tell, does take up to a 10-speed cassette. Getting the 11-speed cassette on the freehub does pose a problem...

As I see it there are a few possible solutions:
1) Get a freehub body from an FH-5800 freehub and install it on the FH-2200. Does the body fit? The body fixing bolt is the same for both hubs...
2) Get a 10-speed cassette, this should fit on the FH-2200 freehub but then I must limit the rear derailleur so that it doesn't travel too far. Can it be done? Will it work?
3) Remove 1 ring from the 11-speed, although it doesn't seem to be possible with 11-speed? And a 10-speed cassette is only 30€.
4) Rebuild my wheel with an FH-5800 hub. This sounds fun but I run the risk of creating a corkscrew, never redone a wheel before. Even worse would be to get a working wheel that would "explode" in the first high speed roll down a hill.
5) Get a new wheel with a compatible hub.

Obviously #5 would be best but also most expensive and problematic: I can't be sure to quickly find a compatible wheel for a reasonable price in Spain and lugging one with me on the plane would cost extra.
#1 would be great if it is workable and #2 will do until I can fix a wheel in case #1 doesn't work.

So what do you think would be my best bet, or am I screwed?

Some links to the HW: ... -13-46815/ (the 4th picture is the Lite 900) ... 0-3719.pdf ... -2202B.pdf


  • keezx
    keezx Posts: 1,323
    1-No, does not fit
    2-You can allways limit the travel, but the spacing of a 10 speed cassette is different and shifting is erratic.
    3-Cannot with most cassettes,but you can try to drop the useless 11.....
    4-Best option
    5-Your choice
  • crankycrank
    crankycrank Posts: 1,830
    I vote for #4. Read up/watch videos to learn how to do it and have your LBS check your work (for a fee of course but worth it). I'm pretty sure both hubs use the same length spokes in which case you can just use the old spokes with the new hub.
  • mamba80
    mamba80 Posts: 5,032
    you can buy a similar wheel to what you ve got but 11sp, for less than £50 or a complete set of rs21 s for about 115 ... prod121534
  • madsen
    madsen Posts: 3
    Thanks for the advice guys.
    I eneded up taking the safe and expensive before the adventurous and ordered a new wheel set. I found the WH-RS11 on for 110€ and had it shipped to a neighbour in Spain who is there to sign for it.