Stevens Team cx

xcMuttley Posts: 434
edited April 2015 in Your road bikes
Pretty proud of this bike, I managed to strip down another bike and true the wheels clean it all up and rebuild it all apart from the wiring which i have done now i can walk onto this frame from a wheelchair. Now for the first ride on it tomorrow!
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  • imposter2.0
    imposter2.0 Posts: 12,028
    Not the best angle for a pic, tbh...
  • Wheelspinner
    Wheelspinner Posts: 6,731
    Imposter wrote:
    Not the best angle for a pic, tbh...

    Disagree entirely. Side on would show the mainly white side of the down tubes, and a nice clear shot of yet another SRAM crankset. Who cares?

    This view at least shows off nice red hubs, nifty brake cable hangers, paint job detail on the tubes you'd otherwise miss and a blingy chain catcher. Verrrrrrry nice bike. 8)

    OP, what put you in the wheelchair in the first place.
    Open One+ BMC TE29 Seven 622SL On One Scandal Cervelo RS
  • xcMuttley
    xcMuttley Posts: 434
    Imposter wrote:
    Not the best angle for a pic, tbh...

    Disagree entirely. Side on would show the mainly white side of the down tubes, and a nice clear shot of yet another SRAM crankset. Who cares?

    This view at least shows off nice red hubs, nifty brake cable hangers, paint job detail on the tubes you'd otherwise miss and a blingy chain catcher. Verrrrrrry nice bike. 8)

    OP, what put you in the wheelchair in the first place.

    I will put some more pictures on i promise ;)

    Thanks Wheelspinner, im glad you can see all the nice details and like the bike!

    No easy way to explain it really so im sorry but i will have to give a bit of the whole story! I was in a wheelchair due to a long running problem almost 5 years, i was 14 when it all started. My back started hurting whilst on holiday in Turkey, but i brushed it off and carried on as i was an avid rugby player and was used to a bit of pain. It progressively got worse and on the flight home i was in agony. I woke up during the night after and couldnt move, neck down i had no movement over the next few hours i began to regain feeling in my arms and body but my legs where still not there.

    I had periods where i got better and could walk/cycle etc. but then it would go again, but no physical trigger. I would sit down and couldnt get back up, i passed out a few times and when i came too i had little feeling. My most recent episode started whilst i was hoovering at work!!
    Whatever it is, is still undiagnosed as there is no broken bones etc, they have put it down too nerves but cant be

    My symptoms are the loss of feeling in my legs, my hands would lose feeling sometimes too (feeling never came back 100% even in good periods) my back is in horrible pain all the time but i am used to it now, when i put my feet down as im walking i also get horrible shooting pains up my spine but same again im used to it now.
    To be honest, i thought i had beaten it. Ive had almost two good years, got a job, passed my driving test, went to college to study engineering, cycled a lot, raced a lot, worked hard at every area of my life. Then during the summer holidays after getting distinctions at college and working most of it at the bike shop i work at it went again.
    I spent just over three weeks in hospital (and got offered three apprenticeships in that time too) and got non the wiser from it to be honest, spent a short time at home unable to climb the stairs and totally reliant on a wheelchair like in hospital. I was then told i wouldn't be able to return to college this year which was pretty devastatin. Slowly i started to get better and it took me a while but nowhere near as long as it has done before to progress from wheelchair to crutches to one crutch and now walking.

    Im still in a lot of pain but ive learnt to deal with it, im hoping to still race this season but not sure how im going to pay for it. Ive been told to take the rest of the school year and build my strength up as they think thats why it didnt effect me as badly this time. As you may be able to understand this has effected me in more ways than just physically and cycling is my release. Im currently building, servicing, truing from my garage as i knew i could make some money from it, it seemed a good way to spend my summer wages after buying the cross frame.

    Im sorry for such a long message, but truly i could write a book about everything ive been through.
    If you know anyone willing to sponsor or take on apprentice frame builder let me know because i could sure use a break!!!!
    Check out my blog for my views and reviews:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Really sorry to hear about you situation, it must be beyond words to not even know the cause.

    It is a lovely looking machine and I hope 2015 brings you some race wins and some luck with your health and career
  • Where are you based Muttley?
    left the forum March 2023
  • smokey_bacon
    smokey_bacon Posts: 1,639
    Awesome looking bike but such a sad story. Hopefully 2015 will be much better for you.
  • It's an awesome looking bike- I especially like the wine red anodised parts finishing it off.

    Hope 2015 is better for you- it must be pretty rough going.
  • xcMuttley
    xcMuttley Posts: 434
    Glad you all like the bike! Thank you all for all the kind words, it means a lot!

    Ive added some more pictures to the top so you can see it in all its glory.

    Im based near Selby, North Yorkshire. Im part of Selby Cycling club.

    I was hoping to go for a ride on it today but when i came to change my cleats on my shoes i knew instantly i wouldnt be riding, i had been on a very wet ride just before i ended up in hospital and usually i would clean my shoes and drop a bit of oil into the the bolts so they dont seize. Unfortunately i neglected to do it as it wasnt at the top of my to do list when in hospital. The bolts have seized in, i have managed to drill them out and take off the cleats but my shoes are beyond repair the section that holds the metal plate which the bolts thread into has snapped on both shoes. Luckily they arent expensive shoes, i think i paid £25 for them 4 years ago so im not overly upset but as you can probably tell im not very happy about it. The ride will have to wait for another day!
    Check out my blog for my views and reviews:
  • What size are you dude?
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  • xcMuttley
    xcMuttley Posts: 434
    Size of the bike bendertherobot? 58cm or shoe size? size 10.5/11uk
    Check out my blog for my views and reviews:
  • I have a pair of Giro Gauge, going spare. But UK 45, might be too small for you?
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  • xcMuttley
    xcMuttley Posts: 434
    Thanks for the offer bendertherobot but i think they will be too small. Cant thank you enough for the offer, very kind of you :)
    Check out my blog for my views and reviews:
  • Quite alright!
    My blog: (kit reviews and other musings)
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  • FransJacques
    FransJacques Posts: 2,148
    Lovely to see a nice cross bike. For a chap with a bad back you have quite a racy position.

    I don't know anything about your back soreness but if you're not certain about causing yourself more damage while biking, why not start off with some flat pedals so that you can move your foot around the second you feel some kind of niggle coming on. I've done this twice after injury (once Achilles and the other my knee) when I was scared to padlock my feet into one position by using cleats. Just a thought.

    Ok, maybe the stem is a *bit* red. In the head-on picture the white hoods with the black tape look mean. Love that.
    When a cyclist has a disagreement with a car; it's not who's right, it's who's left.
  • xcMuttley
    xcMuttley Posts: 434
    Thanks, glad you like the bike!
    It is quite racy, but it feels okay when ive been sat on it. Haven't ridden it properly yet so the position might get changed a bit. To be honest my Volare is a very racy position and from riding that i have always been okay. The pain is always there but there are also things that cause shooting pains eg. walking and riding. Apart from the odd pothole that i don't notice and end up saying ow because of i haven't really had any other trouble unless im really pushing myself.
    I have been advised to clip in by physios and docs due to the weaknesses ive had in my legs, lets me forget about trying to keep my feet on the pedal but strengthens my legs at the same time.

    Thanks for the advice but after doing this a few times now ive unfortunately found what works for me at every possible stage of pain and strength i go through!
    Check out my blog for my views and reviews:
  • mikeyj28
    mikeyj28 Posts: 754
    I hope your health improves and you can enjoy riding properly!
    Constantly trying to upgrade my parts.It is a long road ahead as things are so expensive for little gain. n+1 is always the principle in my mind.
  • tim_wand
    tim_wand Posts: 2,552
    I ve got some Time Road shoes, which I only use on the turbo with SPDR.s which are size 11. there not much , but will get you riding, if you ve got some overshoes to bung on them in winter. I might also have a pair Size 11 Adidas MTB shoes knocking about I used to commute in. Your welcome to the Looks and the adidas (if I can find them)
    P.M me your address.

    P.S great bike hope things get better for you in 2015.
  • xcMuttley
    xcMuttley Posts: 434
    Thanks tim wand i would have loved to have taken that very kind offer but i have scraped some pennies together and managed to order some shoes today :) i cant thank you enough!
    Check out my blog for my views and reviews:
  • tim_wand
    tim_wand Posts: 2,552
    No worries. Hope all goes well!
  • xcMuttley
    xcMuttley Posts: 434
    Thank you!
    Check out my blog for my views and reviews:
  • mallorcajeff
    mallorcajeff Posts: 1,489
    Bugger was just going to offer you a pair of shoes i have not worn. I had a tough year last year and know how it can affect everything.

    Hope this year brings you some good riding and you can het out and enjoy the bike. Good luck my friend
  • xcMuttley
    xcMuttley Posts: 434
    Thanks mallorcajeff very kind of you! I hope this year is better for you too! Ride safe!
    Check out my blog for my views and reviews:
  • tim_wand
    tim_wand Posts: 2,552
    I went through a spell of unemployment about 2 years ago , for various reasons. Having worked continuously for over 25 years, I was definitely not going to sign on. In order to hold my own end up ( i.e pay mortgage and make sure my daughter didn't go without) I sold , my not inconsiderable at the time fleet of bikes.

    Luckily I scrapped enough together to buy a B TWIN 3 to stay in the game and commute to the eventual job I found in the end.

    Subsequently things have improved dramatically since then , and I am back to being the over indulged bike baron I Once was.

    Anyway to cut a long story short. I did think at the time, Wouldn't it be nice, if Bike Radar had a Community bike. for any one who genuinely fell on hard times. Which could be loaned out , until They were back on their uppers.

    There is nothing more depressing than being down for whatever reason , and then not being able to enjoy our glorious hobby/sport.

    I find nothing lifts my mood and removes me from my day to day problems more than cycling. I am sure/ convinced I am not alone in this.

    I would be more than willing to Loan a bike to anyone who through no fault of their own ( I Know this is not the case of the OP. the issues are health , not financial) to allow them to at least have some respite from what ever issues are temporarily (hopefully) dogging them.

    Surely something could be set up. amongst us as forumites or via Mods. Lets do some good.
  • xcMuttley
    xcMuttley Posts: 434
    That is a brilliant idea tim wand, the only problem may be vetting people who are genuine or not?
    Im sure it would be possible to get something sorted along those lines though!

    My shoes arrived today and i managed to get a quick blast out on the stevens before the sun went down, i loved it! It so nice to ride. I may not have been out long but i loved every second and had so much fun. Im really looking forward to getting into my racing seriously this year, im still doing as much as i can to earn a bit of money fixing bikes and wheels. Because i know i wont be able to return properly to work until my back and other things are sorted. I want to race hard and i want to push myself, i just wish i could show my attitude, commitment and riding capabilities to someone who might be able to help me a bit this season!

    Check out my blog for my views and reviews:
  • Loving the responses to your situation and positivity. Can only say it must suck! Having experienced something similar over the last few months, but nowhere near as bad, I'm guessing you've had a nerve root block test?(or similarly named). If not perhaps do a touch of research and ask your doctors? Seems to have made a difference. Hope they get a "cure" for you soon fella
  • xcMuttley
    xcMuttley Posts: 434
    It does suck a LOT johnboy183! Ive had similar tests but they werent as helpful as we hoped, i had a nerve conduction test done on my legs when i was at my worst. The doctors conclusion was simply they dont work...which i was well aware of. I had a few more nerve tests but apart from there being an obvious problem they got no further/ more productive results. Thank you! Hope you have a great year!
    Check out my blog for my views and reviews:
  • That's pooh! Have to say that the test is the most painful experience I've ever had! Once is enough. Fingers crossed they get you sorted. Keep strong fella
  • xcMuttley
    xcMuttley Posts: 434
    Ive been on quite a few rides out on the stevens now! And i have to say its bloody awesome :D Love riding it just as much as i did my 29er mountain bike. Inn fact it feels more confident on some places, the only thing i miss is disc brakes but the skill of stepping the back end out to gain extra grip or maintain speed has been well carried over from the mountainbike.
    Love getting muddy and pushing myself that little bit more everyday.
    Heading to the isle of man to be with my girlfriend soon but the stevens will be joining me. Already got some local routes marked to have a bash at on the cross bike instead of the mountainbike like last time i went!
    One thing i would like to change is to some better tires, they dont have as much grip as i would like. Might try and pick some up cheap from somewhere.
    I think im falling in love with cyclocross haha

    Now on a different subject, i got the opportunity to go to the launching of the tour de Yorkshire routes :D How cool is that. Had a good chat with Malcolm Elliot and Brian Robinson! Was an awesome experience.

    Have a look at my instagram for some pictures of the announcement and my bikes. Give me a follow if your on instagram too!
    Check out my blog for my views and reviews:
  • RideOnTime
    RideOnTime Posts: 4,712
    Like that...
  • Been riding a lot of late both on the Cross bike and on the road bike, i took the stevens over to the Isle of Man a few weeks a go when i went to see my Girlfriend and Family. Got quite a few miles in and rode on some amazing trails, would strongly recommend anyone in going over there its beautiful riding country. Ive been across many many times riding and have not had one ride that i didnt enjoy. This time i went i got to take some videos with my gopro, will be uploading more and more on my channel now i have the gopro. Take a look at my instagram too as im always taking pictures of bikes and the views i see when on the bike!

    Hope you all like the videos and pictures!
    Check out my blog for my views and reviews: