buying second hand with paypal

k3vinjam3s Posts: 266
edited December 2014 in Road buying advice
I've seen a bike on eBay and I'm looking to deal off eBay with seller to save some cash for both of us. Never bought an expensive item before like this so what's my best option. I trust the sellers integrity as comms have been good and feedback spot on. What would be safest way for me to pay?


  • Handover cash when you've inspected the bike.
    I'm sorry you don't believe in miracles
  • me-109
    me-109 Posts: 1,915
    ^ Agreed.

    + Take a friend when viewing. Second pair of eyes and less likely to get robbed for cash if not legit.
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    I'd not confuse intergrity with decent communications.
  • Inspect the bike if you can, but do not pay cash. Much better to use Paypal. You will then get buyer protection if it turns out to be duff, despite your inspection.
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Paypal - if the bike's stolen, there's a chance you'll get your money back. If it's nicked, then you could say goodbye to your bike and your cash.
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • nochekmate
    nochekmate Posts: 3,460
    If I was the seller, I'd only take Paypal if the buyer was willing to pay the associated fee because I wouldn't want Paypal to take their cut of an agreed price.
  • zak3737
    zak3737 Posts: 370
    I bought my Roubaix in exactly the same way, off Ebay so we both saved Cash, but then paid via Paypal, as surprisingly, Paypal said protection was still valid on non-ebay purchases.
    I spoke at length with the seller, email and phone, and after satisfying myself that he was a thoroughly gen guy, I paid for the bike, and he boxed it. It was in Plymouth, I'm 4hrs North !
    Courier collected it for me, boxed, and delivered the next day.
    Well happy, as was he.

    Buy the Seller as well as the item, isnt that what they say ?
    Sometimes, if you have a good feeling about something, its worth the chance.
  • Yep, another vote for paypal! Protection and all that...
  • Bozman
    Bozman Posts: 2,518
    I usually message the seller and let him know that I'm interested in the bike and offer him less than the advertised price or reserve if he ends the listing, point out that they'll save on fees and you'll pay cash on collection after inspecting the bike.
    Sometimes you'll get a yes, sometimes you get a no and I've had sellers ring me back after the item failed to sell.