Aksium's to Cosmic's, worth it?

Graham K
Graham K Posts: 329
edited December 2014 in Road buying advice
Running Aksiums at the moment, no real issues as they do the job, would there be much diiference in performance from Cosmic Carbone SLS, I have seen a brand new set at reasonable money.


  • imposter2.0
    imposter2.0 Posts: 12,028
    Maybe 100g difference in weight, so unlikely to make a huge difference to anything really. Your wallet will be significantly lighter though...
  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    If you are riding at 10mph on a very hilly 5 mile route to work then the answer is "no". On a more serious note, as well outlining the intended usage, "worth it" would have be qualified with what you want to achieve. In my case, being able to ride faster would just mean that I get home from a ride a minute or so earlier, not sure I would want to drop a large sum of cash to achieve that :)

    The Aksiums are decent wheels and offer enough performance for the majority of us but the Cosmics do look a lot nicer :wink: