Black ice ! Ouch !

Posts: 31
Hi Guys
I'm still completely in love with my Fixie so much so I'm building another and I've sold my Tricross ! I have been using the Fixie every day to work now for the last 6 weeks or so wind,sleet, crispy white ice and no problems except my leg muscles are starting to get used to the gearing slopes I used to have to get out my seat for I can now fly up seated ! At some point i reckon i shall have to change my gear lol but that's another post...................back to Black ice.
I'm running my Fixie on 700 x 25 Swalbe marathon plus loving these tyres very grippy wet slimy leaf mould no slips excellant grip and no punctures as of yet
Left for work this morning as 04.30 no sign of ice on cars all the puddles were water no ice to be seen big puddle on the corner of the next street which always freezes still just water, up onto main road no worries cut off on to foot path/cycle path up the steep hill along the top down the long bending slope through the weaving tree section next thing I know I'm back wheels gone out and my sliding along on my left side ! Helmet now has battle scars
light pointing up a tree !
I hadn't seen any ice and my light is "bright" got up back on took it slow next mile was fine end of the route runs along by a big hedge no sign of ice soon as i turned onto the straight down again this time on my right side ! I couldn't even stand up it was so slippery !! had to crawl on my hands and knees to the grass the next 100 yards or so to the main road I had to walk on the grass !
Nothing broken well on the bike
lucky i don't bruise easy but Iv'e been getting stiffer and sorer as the days gone on now after a hot bath feel like Mike Tyson has knocked seven shades out of me 
Tomorrow I shall stick to the road (treated) but today the black ice really caught me off guard like i said the puddles had no ice !! ??
Anyone know the conditions needed for black ice over normal ice ? crispy crunchy white ice has no caused my any problems so far this winter.
Anyone else get caught out by black ice today ?? .....................Ouch !
I'm still completely in love with my Fixie so much so I'm building another and I've sold my Tricross ! I have been using the Fixie every day to work now for the last 6 weeks or so wind,sleet, crispy white ice and no problems except my leg muscles are starting to get used to the gearing slopes I used to have to get out my seat for I can now fly up seated ! At some point i reckon i shall have to change my gear lol but that's another post...................back to Black ice.
I'm running my Fixie on 700 x 25 Swalbe marathon plus loving these tyres very grippy wet slimy leaf mould no slips excellant grip and no punctures as of yet
Left for work this morning as 04.30 no sign of ice on cars all the puddles were water no ice to be seen big puddle on the corner of the next street which always freezes still just water, up onto main road no worries cut off on to foot path/cycle path up the steep hill along the top down the long bending slope through the weaving tree section next thing I know I'm back wheels gone out and my sliding along on my left side ! Helmet now has battle scars

I hadn't seen any ice and my light is "bright" got up back on took it slow next mile was fine end of the route runs along by a big hedge no sign of ice soon as i turned onto the straight down again this time on my right side ! I couldn't even stand up it was so slippery !! had to crawl on my hands and knees to the grass the next 100 yards or so to the main road I had to walk on the grass !
Nothing broken well on the bike

Tomorrow I shall stick to the road (treated) but today the black ice really caught me off guard like i said the puddles had no ice !! ??
Anyone know the conditions needed for black ice over normal ice ? crispy crunchy white ice has no caused my any problems so far this winter.
Anyone else get caught out by black ice today ?? .....................Ouch !
My current commute uses about 3.5 miles of the Fallowfield Loop in Manchester (cycle route). If there is any sign of ice I get out the MTB, so far only twice this winter. It's not gritted and it gets iced over, so I don't take chance.0
Made a deliberate decision to stick to main roads today for exactly this reason0
Any risk of road riding on ice is best avoided. If you are unlucky you can really injure yourself and do permanent damage.0