Nissan Nostalgia-1992 Stage Start, Galway.

dolan_driver Posts: 831
edited December 2014 in Pro race
I recently found a few old photos I took of the stage start of Stage 3 of the 1992 Nissan Classic which started in my home town of Galway and I thought they might be of interest here. The stage was between Galway and Limerick.


The photos were taken with a camera that dated from the 1970's so the quality is poor and many of the shots are blurry. However, I think there is as much good stuff in here as there is bad and it is probably worth sharing. I don't have a scanner so these photos are digital photos of the actual printed photos but I think they are fairly good reproductions of the original images.


Many of the riders will be recognisable while one or two will cause some head scratching. Sadly no photos of any bikes. I would love to have a photo of Edwig Van Hooydonck's giant Colnago from that day. Have a look at the photos and see who you can identify. I will stick up a copy of the start list at the very end. I'll start off with the easy stuff.








  • P1010735_zps068d96fe.jpg





  • The boys from Tulip. Can you identify the compère on stage? The dickey-bow should give it away.




  • Is that Fignon in the purple top in the final picture?
    "A cyclist has nothing to lose but his chain"

    PTP Runner Up 2015
  • Is that Fignon in the purple top in the final picture?

    No, I don't think so. I'd say that is just one of the locals. In the third-from-last photo it looks like the guy in the purple and yellow top is Graham Watson while the guy at the front of the podium, collecting his bike, is Brian Holm. I think that is Allan Pieper on the podium.

  • Dave Rayner in one of the pictures too?
    "A cyclist has nothing to lose but his chain"

    PTP Runner Up 2015
  • PDM riders are Eric Breukink and Raul Alcala, it looks like Luc Leblanc just in front of Roche. TVM dude is Gert Jan Theunisse. Hugh Porter announcing on stage.
    Olaf Ludwig riding for Panasonic and the final Tulip rider looks like Adri Van Der Poel.
  • Dave Rayner in one of the pictures too?
    Can't see any Buckler riders so not sure how you've seen him?
  • Hoping that one of the Tulip riders (either guy picking up his bike or on his own on the stage is Soren Lilholt.
  • Good work on identifying the riders thus far. The last rider is indeed Adri Van Der Poel. Allan Pieper is talking to Hugh Porter and my guess is that the guy collecting his bike is Brian Holm, but I'm open to correction on that. The Tulip riders present on the race were Adri Van Der Poel, Herman Frison, Allan Pieper, Brian Holm and Peter Pieters. No Soren Lilholt I'm afraid. I think that is Peter Pieters signing on in the middle photo. He was a fairly tall guy and there is no sign of Van Der Poel's flowing locks in the photo. More blonde locks coming up!



    Is that Bruno Cornillet in the background?

    The aforementioned and sadly departed Dave Rayner, looking very classy in his Buckler gear and about to mount God's own choice in bicycles, an early nineties Colnago! I like the dual-colour bar tape too, white into yellow. It'd be no harm if that made a comeback.

  • clogg
    clogg Posts: 70

    Here's one I took from a start in Dublin, not sure how to embed so feel free to put it up
  • hasbeen wrote:
    Dave Rayner in one of the pictures too?
    Can't see any Buckler riders so not sure how you've seen him?

    Sorry, should have said they were in the folder when you clicked the images!

    Colin Sturgess in British Champ stripes.
    "A cyclist has nothing to lose but his chain"

    PTP Runner Up 2015
  • Here are a few photos of two Motorola boys, one a veteran of the pro peloton by 1992, the other a young stagiaire who was already being talked about, even at this very early stage in his career.





  • hasbeen wrote:
    Dave Rayner in one of the pictures too?
    Can't see any Buckler riders so not sure how you've seen him?

    Sorry, should have said they were in the folder when you clicked the images!

    Colin Sturgess in British Champ stripes.

    Working through the pics I've spied Henrik Redant (Lotto) but can't see Sturgess. Yates was National Champ then
  • Yep, that Lotto rider does appear to be Hendrik Redant. As for Colin Sturgess, the start list doesn't feature him. Two British teams took the start, Banana-Met and a team dubbed "Leeds '92" consisting of Tony Doyle, Rob Holden, Tim Harris, Steve Douce and Sean Way.

  • jwoody
    jwoody Posts: 43
    Who's the TVM rider in the photo after Gert -Jan or the Lotto Mbk rider?
  • You're right! I didn't even look at the jerseys, would have been a give away!
    "A cyclist has nothing to lose but his chain"

    PTP Runner Up 2015
  • jwoody wrote:
    Who's the TVM rider in the photo after Gert -Jan or the Lotto Mbk rider?
    Don't recognise either but is the Lotto rider that years Belgian national champ judging by the top half of his jersey?
  • Laurent Brochard in the badly fitting rain cape and the OUTSTANDING mullet 8) riding for Castorama.
    So that makes 3 future RR World champs in those photos : Armstrong, Brochard, Leblanc and Ludwig stood on the podium with Armstrong and Indurain a year after these photos were taken
  • Slow down hasbeen, I'll be posting up all the remaining photos in the next day or two. :D I think Scott Sunderland is the TVM rider in the photo after Gert-Jan.

    No suggestions yet as to who the Festina rider is after Sean Kelly?

  • BrianS
    BrianS Posts: 112
    Frank van den Abeele (Lotto MBK)
    Thomas Wegmuller (Festina)
  • Yes, that is Thomas Wegmuller but I'm not sure about the Lotto rider being Frank VDA. My money is still on it being Hendrik Redant. Here are a few more of the few photos I have left.



    The King of the Mountains. I think he is a PDM rider but I can't identify him. It could be Erik Breukink. Ten points for anyone who can identify the team of the rider in multicoloured fluorescent jersey.

  • andyp
    andyp Posts: 10,450
    That's easy, MBK-Chazal.

    The PDM rider does look like Breukink.
  • andyp wrote:
    That's easy, MBK-Chazal.

    No, that team weren't in the race.

    Here is a hint. The team in question were neither English nor Irish and it could be said that they were a trailblazer for a current team in the European peloton that recently unveiled their new jersey that looks a little like the Newcastle football kit. One of their riders also came very close to winning a stage in the 1992 Nissan Classic and if he had, it would have been one of the most unexpected victories in European racing that year! It'll still be hard to identify them but somebody might know who they are.

  • andyp
    andyp Posts: 10,450

    They are the only other team of that era that I can think of who had a multiple fluorescent kit.
  • No, not Subaru. The team are neither European nor American. They hailed from another continent entirely. I did a google search for this team and I could find only one photo of the team. They are a very obscure squad. I'll put up the answer on Wednesday if no-one identifies them in the meantime. I think BrianS might recall who they are!

  • dish_dash
    dish_dash Posts: 5,643
    Southern Sun - M-Net - Supersport? Apparently on Stage 2 Gary Beneke of South Africa broke away and built up a lead of nine minutes but was reeled back.
  • Yes, Southern Sun - M-Net - Supersport it is. Gary Beneke broke away on the previous day's stage at around half way on his own and was only caught inside the last two kilometres. Had he won, it would have been a pivotal moment in the development of African cycling, I reckon. I guess they had to wait for Gerard Ciolek's win in Milan-San Remo last year for the real breakthrough.

    I don't know how it came to pass that Southern Sun - M-Net managed to get an invite to the Nissan Classic but whoever it was that came up with the idea, it was a good one. Maybe Pat McQuaid had retained his contacts with his friends in South Africa from the late seventies and they put things in place for the team to race in Ireland that week.

    One of the things we used to do as budding cyclists after each Nissan stage finish in Galway was head to the local hotels to see which team was staying where and whose autograph we could get. We would watch the mechanics working on the latest racing technology and annoy them with all sorts of inane questions. We could also check to see if any of the teams had any excess components or clothing for sale. Most teams had nothing but the guys at Motorola seemed to well ahead of the posse because they had a huge amount of stuff tucked away in their truck specifically for sale to us bike fans. The Motorola mechanics made a pretty penny that evening in Galway! We came across the Southern Sun team at one hotel and, if memory serves me well, all of the bikes were different. Different frames with different group sets. I guess all the riders were racing on bikes they had purchased themselves. Southern Sun - M-Net were a small outfit but they gave it a good shot that day into Galway.

    In these three photos, Mayor of Galway Padraic McCormack has drawn the attention of two of the riders, or more specifically it appears his mayoral chain had caught their attention. Can anyone identify the two riders? One of them was a renowned entertainer amongst the riders of the various teams he rode for.



    P1010752_zpsd3d8e29f.jpg OK, this last photo is crap but it might be enough to help identify the second rider.
