ronnie o'sullivan



  • In football half of the news you read are about contracts and how much money there is in a contract... you rarely hear about Contador's contract... you really need to dig to find out his salary.

    I Googled "Contador salary" - ... 8&oe=utf-8

    first link reveals...

    (October 2013)
    "Alberto Contador has had to accept a pay cut of 10-15 per cent, according to a report in the Danish media. The Spaniard is said to have accepted the reduced salary, in light of the team's financial problems, with Team Saxo-Tinkoff owner Bjarne Riis still to announce a new sponsor for the coming season. reported that Riis recently met with the Spanish rider and told him that the pay cut was necessary if the team is to survive next season. Although Contador still has two years to go on his contract, the website said that he understood the problem and accepted the pay cut.

    Contador is said to earn about 25 million Kroner annually, or roughly 3.3 million Euro. A 15 per cent cut would bring him down to 21.25 million Kroner or 2.8 million. However he apparently also has an agreement with bike producer Specialized which brings him 15 million Kroner (2 million Euro) annually."

    Not too dificult to work out what prize money etc would be.
  • reported that Riis recently met with the Spanish rider and told him that the pay cut was necessary if the team is to survive next season. Although Contador still has two years to go on his contract, the website said that he understood the problem and accepted the pay cut.

    I am sure Cristiano Ronaldo would do the same... wasn't he the one that started a colossal and childish moan when Messi got his salary topped over his own?
    left the forum March 2023
  • Unfortunately I would agree that the press goes way over the top with football, yet not with other sports. But, how often do you actually hear the footballers talk specifically about their wages? You hear the press, the tv, agents etc, but very rarely the players. Maybe there was an interview with Ronaldo where he was moaning? I didn't see it. I'm sure all the papers "reported" that he was unhappy though. It is not the players themselves that are doing all the talking about wages.
    As for Contador possibly taking a pay cut, he doesn't have too many other options available to him to get similar wages. You implied that it is hard to find out about his wages, when in fact it is quite easy. Footballers have plenty of clubs throughout Europe where they could earn huge wages. I am sure that Man City/Chelsea/Bayern/Dortmund/Schalke/Inter/Milan/PSG/Barcelona and numerous Russian clubs would jump at the chance to pay a ludicrous amount of money to Ronaldo.
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,085
    So how...turned?

    Cycling is a funny sport... you race another 200 guys on the day and therefore you can't win all the races. Thus you need to focus on which races you can realistically win and concentrate for those. I don't like riders who focus solely on the Tour de France... it lacks ambition and offends the history of the sport, but on the other hand you have to be careful not to spread yourself too thin a la Sagan...

    You would have to go back to 1987 to find a cyclist who tried to tackle the whole season. Don't you think that the combination of financial and physical pressures has put paid to the romantic notion that top cyclists should target more than one or two races/events?
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • You would have to go back to 1987 to find a cyclist who tried to tackle the whole season. Don't you think that the combination of financial and physical pressures has put paid to the romantic notion that top cyclists should target more than one or two races/events?

    No, I just think the number of competitive riders in the peloton has rocketed. These days every team has at least 4-5 riders who can win a race, in the days there was one captain and a bunch of domestiques.
    In 2014 Saxo Tinkoff had 8 riders who won at least a race and 3 riders who won major races (Contador, Majka and Rogers).
    A team like OPQS has a stellar rooster (Boonen, Terpstra, Cavendish and Kwiatoski among others)
    left the forum March 2023
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,085
    @ Ugo, you did say

    "I don't like riders who focus solely on the Tour de France." but you then give your reasons as to why you think this is so. I'm confused.
    So if it is not the fault of the individual riders, then how can you dislike them?
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • @ Ugo, you did say

    "I don't like riders who focus solely on the Tour de France." but you then give your reasons as to why you think this is so. I'm confused.
    So if it is not the fault of the individual riders, then how can you dislike them?

    I said I don't like riders who focus solely on one race.... there is a difference between focussing on 7-8 races and only one. Nibali focusses on the Tour, but also on the spring classics and the worlds... Armstrong only cared for one race. Froome targets only the Tour, but he might occasionally have a go at winning some lesser races... I'd like to see him giving a good go at LBL, which he could win, in theory
    left the forum March 2023
  • norvernrob
    norvernrob Posts: 1,448
    I think it is important to discriminate between real sports where athletes seek victory above all
    ahh you mean the entire soviet athletics team for the last 40 years? So when do real sports stop being 'Real sports'
    I guess, when money/rewards are involved and/or drugs have been involved to gain an advantage over a 'fellow' competitor?

    You are confusing the issues... cheating is weakness and it's human nature, even dopers have a soul... great athletes were cheats: Merckx, Pantani, you name them... selling a match is purely a financial transaction, if you lose intentionally you are clearly not an athlete... you are a business man.

    Criminal would be a more accurate word.
  • norvernrob
    norvernrob Posts: 1,448
    PBlakeney wrote:
    ... probably a fraction of what Gerrard earned in his win-less career...
    Nitpicking but...
    Does being a Champions League winner and captain of said team not count?

    Plus he's won everything else in club football apart from the Premier league title. He's shown loyalty but must lack a certain ambition because he's had plenty of chances to join clubs where titles were pretty much guaranteed.
  • NorvernRob wrote:
    PBlakeney wrote:
    ... probably a fraction of what Gerrard earned in his win-less career...
    Nitpicking but...
    Does being a Champions League winner and captain of said team not count?

    Plus he's won everything else in club football apart from the Premier league title. He's shown loyalty but must lack a certain ambition because he's had plenty of chances to join clubs where titles were pretty much guaranteed.

    To me, going to a club where you are guarenteed titles, does not show ambition. Trying to win trophies for a club that is less fancied, pushing yourself and others around you shows much more ambition.