USA tour in Jan / Feb 2015. Where to begin?

Fatamorgana Posts: 257
edited November 2014 in Tour & expedition

I am toying with an extended trip to the USA in early 2015 and really have yet to make any headway into what I need in terms of visas and where best to be riding, routes and such-like!

Did a similar ride in Britain this year, 5 months around the isle was a delight and think the USA might throw up some more gems.

Can anyone recommend and reading material, books, web sites and a logical start point for late January - working my way north as I am not in the mood for winter riding nor anything above 40 degrees either!

I do not have to be home anytime in 2015, so the trip can last 1+yrs.


  • You are going to want the west coast -- and more southern. Florida is warm but it is pancake flat & boring. As is Texas -- although a friend is doing some sort of tri camp there in jan.

    A few years ago I did a very DIY group trip over Xmas / New Years with the San Diego youth hostel -- they run it every year. Parts were sub zero with snow until we hit palm desert area.

    When it does warm up -- June to July -- highly recommend the Rockies. There's a few cheap huge group multi day rides -- check out ride the Rockies.

    A few people I know habitually do ragbrai -- ride across Iowa -- basically eating & drinking with 10000 people across the state. Doesn't appeal to me but as a foreigner it would be a great way to see small town America. Also cheap. Several states have similar events. ... 7525300001

    And I loved cycling around San Francisco & Marin county. An acquaintance raved about the blue ridge mountains (?) in the Carolina's

    Skip the middle. There's a reason it is the fly over states.

    And be wary -- just not as safe as cycling around Britain.

    Sorry that I'm not aware of specific books, web sites etc. I can send you info from my route in Colorado. And you may want to see where organised tours go to get a sense. They are very well known -- not saying use them but check out their itineraries to get ideas ...
  • Thank you.

    Some good links and web sites to be thinking about. Wetting my appetite.
    What security concerns should I be forewarned about, anything specific?
  • Nothing specific. Unless you are cycling through downtown Detroit or North Philly. I grew up in New York City -- and so I'm not particularly alarmed by things. But I would lock doors, watch your personal stuff & not accept car rides with strangers. Just use commen sense I guess.