
Rhod81 Posts: 116
edited November 2014 in Road buying advice
Evening all...

Whilst out doing a quick 40-miler today, i suffered a pretty catastrophic tyre explosion. I have 23mm kevlar Gatorskins which have done 4000-odd miles. They have served me well in that time. Now though there is a nice hole ripped right in the centre of the tyre :-S. Fortunately, the popping occured as i was lapping home so i only had a pleasant 3-mile walk home in cleats and heavy rain.

During my walk, i started pondering tyres. Now bearing in mind, apart from the Gatorskins, my only experience is a couple of sets of Luganos. False economy; they were cheap but i had weekly punctures.

Firstly, how often do you change tyres? With mtb knobblies, there is obviously a "visual" wear. What about road tyres? How do you know when to change, or do you wait until - like me - they explode?

Secondly, so what makes a good tyre? I have read Gatorskins are not too popular. Do tyres with a non existant tread roll quicker than another? I have heard Conti Grand Prix's are fast. How are they fast in comparison to Gatorskins, or even cheapy £12-offerings.

Thirdly, any reccomendations? I have a spare Gatorskin, so in this case i'll obviously get some use out of it, but come Spring, will i benefit from another tyre? (Bearing in mind, puncture resistance is important).

Thanks :-)
