Whatever happened to those front mech carbon band mounts?

Manc33 Posts: 2,157
edited November 2014 in Road buying advice
I got a "Ratio" carbon band mount from CRC a while back and now, they don't sell them anymore. I looked other places, can't find them anymore. I think only CRC had them even when they were on sale.

I am not after buying one, but I am not using the one I have now (switched back to my metal frame) and will just flog it. Actually I have a spare one thats brand new as well - I bought two just in case one snapped, but it never did to my surprise.

Thing is if you can't get hold of them anymore, what must one be worth?!

I paid £15 for it, but that was a really low price for one of these (or it seemed it). I am sure these things were around the £90 mark! No, I'm not joking. Yes, a carbon band mount that costs 4x more than a really good front mech. :roll:

Some idiot out there will buy it. :lol: I don't need either one of them now really, but wanna keep one held back in case I swap to carbon again, might as well just flog the new one, its not even been taken out of the packet. If its worth £60 or something silly why have it lying there doing nothing.

You might think they are not on sale anymore because they were just impractical - not at all. I had no problems at all with mine. When something costs as much as these do I guess it just works. It says 3Nm on it. If you've never seen one of these things, it is absurdly thin, so thin it easily bends to get it around the seat tube.

I'm not using it just because whats the point on a metal frame, it doesn't even suit the bike really.

If it was priced at £90 for one, that is a massive scam to me lol. The only thing that was more of a rip off than that was the chain catcher I bought - cost nearly £25 and its just one piece of metal. Another thing I don't need now I am back on a metal frame again.

Anyone got any links to anywhere selling those band mounts? What was that one beginning with P? That was the £90 one. What a laugh. Even £10 seems a lot for a Shimano metal band mount.


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