Mix'n Match Shimano 6800/9000

jlowdo Posts: 48
edited November 2014 in Road buying advice
Having now got all the components to build my new bike ( thanks for advice on my previous post ) I am now down to getting the groupset sorted.. And yes, i do have 11 speed wheels so should be able to use either.

On ability alone i probably couldn't justify anything over the new 105. But want something a little nicer than that and i already have 6700 on another bike which i do find ok, understand that the new version is significantly better.

So, realistically not going to spend the money on the 9000 complete because it is a lot of money, but wondering what ideas anyone might have about the best way of mixing up the individual components to get the best overall result.

At present ( and because there is a certain discount code valid at the moment ) I am thinking the 9000 compact chainset, 9000 chain and the rest 6800... That keeps the price firmly closer to the ultegra than the Dura Ace. Functionally i can't see a lot in it ( even while trawling the internet it looks like the Ultegra cassette is actually preferred by some people ) apart from looks and possibly longevity of components. But, if something lasts twice as long but costs 3 times as much, still doesn't really add up!

I have tried searching for this info and couldn't find a great amount on this exact question, hence asking you guys.

Many Thanks


  • dj58
    dj58 Posts: 2,223
    Functionally the 5800 and 6800 are supposed to be the same and an improvement on the previous iterations. You say you want something that looks better and that you have 6700 on another bike which you like. Therefore I assume that you prefer the gloss grey finish of the Ultegra groupset to that of the 105?

    Presumably you want the 9000 chainset because you prefer it's looks and it is lighter and may last longer than the equivalent 6800? Is your plan to use 6800 STI, derailleur's, brakes and cassette and 9000 chain, there have been issues with the 9000 cassette spider breaking I recall.

    I can't see that there would be any issues with your mix and match approach although I have not tried this myself on my road bike which is fairly new and equipped with 6700.
  • jlowdo
    jlowdo Posts: 48
    thanks. correct, i do quite like the Ultegra colour/finish ( i know the entire range is like marmite ). prefer the look of 9000 but i guess its totally intentional to have the more expensive ones look better. And also correct, just get the DA Chainset ( because it looks nicer, lighter, stiffer etc. and with a current offer on it, about as close to 'reasonable' as you might be able to say price-wise ). I have a 9000 BB already fitted, so was thinking along with the chainset, just get the DA chain as it is only a fiver more and the rest, as you say 6800.

    or would a KMC chain be better if i am buying it all individually?

    from what i can make out, cassette is a definite for 6800 over 9000 for both value and as you say, there have been some negative comments.. its a lot of money!

    thats what i am currently erring towards, just thought there may have been some other potential permutations worth looking at.

  • earth
    earth Posts: 934
    I think the chainset and shifters offer the biggest weight saving and I would choose them for that reason. Might not be the best price/weight choice though. I would not fuss over the chain as they are consumable.
  • rafletcher
    rafletcher Posts: 1,235
    You can mix and match all the 11sp kit. I wouldn't bother with a 9000 chain, get a KMC 11sp and couple of quick-links. Works fine on my 5800. And cassettes wear out, get the 105 one, it'll be fine.
  • dj58
    dj58 Posts: 2,223
    Regarding the chain I think both the 9000 or the KMC receive good reviews, I do recall that this topic is discussed regularly and IIRC someone posted a recent test done, in Germany I think, that claimed the 9000 was the best of those tested. Buy the 9000 if it is on offer and review your choice when it becomes necessary to change it.

    I can't offer you any advice regarding various combinations of the two groupset components, however your plan seems fine to me, enjoy building your bike.
  • matt-h
    matt-h Posts: 847
    i run full 6800 with 9000 chainset on my Volare and 6870 with 9000 chainset on my Foil.
    Purely cosmetic.
    The 9000 chainset is very well finished

  • jlowdo
    jlowdo Posts: 48
    i can get the 9000 chain for 21 quid give or take a few pence. What 11p KMC chain would be the best other option? i can then procrastinate for ages and end up buying both, just to be sure.

    I did think about the 9000 ( 9001? ) shifters too, but thats an extra 100 or so, and then you start to get into the 'in for a penny, in for a pound' scenario and start thinking about buying the whole lot. This was really the 'main' question i had, is that assuming i had my heart set on the 9000 chainset, was there anything else that was really going to offer a tangible benefit for the extra cost? yes, they do look nicer.

    And I am sure they will add 5mph to my avg climbing speed :lol:

    seriously, is the £100 difference really justifiable? When i just had the frame i was thinking to buy the whole groupset, but as component costs started to accumulate i began to get my sensible hat on ( well, sort of sensible ).
  • earth
    earth Posts: 934
    jlowdo wrote:
    I did think about the 9000 ( 9001? ) shifters too, but thats an extra 100 or so, and then you start to get into the 'in for a penny, in for a pound' scenario and start thinking about buying the whole lot.

    That's exactly my dilemma every time I dream about upgrading from 6700. One tangible benefit of the shifters is they have reach adjustment that does not involve a shim in the lever. I have to use a shim and they are difficult to find. It's still not a deal breaker benefit though.
  • jlowdo
    jlowdo Posts: 48
    as of this minute, the best price i can find on the 9001 shifter set is £80 more than the 6800... doesn't sound too bad. These are the sort of things i shouldn't be thinking about!
  • Which code is that? I'm in the same situation and am being tempted by the DA chainset......
  • jlowdo
    jlowdo Posts: 48
    12% off at Ribble.. Chainset and Shifters seem to fare up very favourably with this discount against other stores. other components not so, still come in same or more than other well known online retailers.
  • You might try PlanetX for the chainset as it's much cheaper there (with the current 20% "offer") although they only have standard in one size I think so not great if you do want a compact. £80 for the cassette though but, as mentioned above, the Ultegra one actually sounds less dodgy.
  • jlowdo
    jlowdo Posts: 48
    says 220 but when you add it to basket it goes back up to 250, and i can't find a 20% off code on the website...strange :(
  • The "code" is here:


    Their website is terrible.
  • jlowdo
    jlowdo Posts: 48
    Thanks. real shame that my knees would hate me if i didn't get a compact... that's really reasonable

    having said that, certain items appear to double in price if you select them!!! Rubbish website indeed.
  • jlowdo
    jlowdo Posts: 48
    Thanks for all the advice. Just ordered the DA compact chainset, going to go ultegra with the rest... i'll have a think over the chain for a bit :)

    Happy Days!
  • jlowdo
    jlowdo Posts: 48
    d'oh! 10% off at CRC at the moment, that brings the DA shifters down to 230... that is getting to the point where i might be thinking 'if only i hadn't gone 6800' however, if i go 6800 ( which obviously have the same discount ).......
  • If you do go DA shifters, make sure they're 9001 and not 9000, as the latter tend to break the cables.
  • Isn't the 10% CRC discount off around three items? Getting a bit impatient for the proper sales to start.....
  • jlowdo
    jlowdo Posts: 48
    apparently so. its a shame they did not actually make that point in the email they sent! ( why say excludes garmin, endura etc. when it should say 'excludes anything you might actually want' )

    won't be buying them at the normal price ( but thanks, was looking at 9001, not 9000 as i had heard about the product refresh )