High Quality Italian Cycle Tour Company

FatLarry Posts: 209
edited November 2014 in Tour & expedition

Can anyone recommend a high quality cycle touring company that operates in the Dolomites?

I've explored the Rapha option, but their 2015 dates won't work for me. I've done other tours, e.g. with Marmot Tours which were great, but on this occasion I'm happy to spend more money to get some "luxury" accommodation thrown in, rather than 2/3 star hotels.

My Google activity isn't returning anything. Any suggestions appreciated.


  • andymiller
    andymiller Posts: 2,856
    edited November 2014
    It's difficult. The market seems to divide between European companies charging under £1000/1000€ per person per week (which I assume means 2/3 star hotels) on the one hand, and on the other hand the US companies who charge significantly more. I assume the US companies offer better accommodation, but even so the prices are often eye-watering (eg $3,895 for 7 nights). (Search 'cycle tours dolomites' and you won't have problem finding examples).

    If luxury accommodation is important to you, you might want to consider booking direct with a hotel or hotels. The Alta Badia (the German-speaking parts of the Dolomites) is geared up for cycling holidays with bike hire and 'bike hotels' offering special packages. In some cases the package includes guided rides. If you Google 'Alta Badia Bike hotel' you should get a good idea of what's on offer.

    It might also be worth searching for Alta Badia on this and other cycle forums: I'm sure I've seen at least one post from someone enthusing about a cycling holiday at a hotel in the Alta Badia.

    (Or there's also Bormio - although it's not in the Dolomites).
  • apreading
    apreading Posts: 4,535
    Speak to Saddle Skedaddle about accomodation - their normal stuff is pretty good but they are always happy to customise and have locals with the knowledge to choose the best places.
  • Another option would be to check out the well established walking company Colletts mountain Holidays.
    http://www.colletts.co.uk/road-cycling- ... dolomites/
    Although not specifically touring they are now offering organised and accompanied road bike days in the Dolomites.
    They have been offering walking holidays there for around 15 years so really know the area and this summer they are now offering days rides from a central location 5 days a week. You dont have to commit to all five days, you also have the flexibilty to arrive and leave the resort anyday meaning you could go for a cheeky weekend cycling.

    The Bike days range from 'easy to hard'
    The easy rides ranging from 20km to around 40 the hard days including cycling the Maratona dles dolomiti circuit at around 130km with over 4000m height gain. With lots inbetween obviously.

    This is the first summer so i expect it will be fairly quiet meaning vary small groups therefore lots of flexibility with the routes on offer.

    I have attached a link below.
    It is myself who is running the bike programme so let me know if you have any questions. :)

    http://www.colletts.co.uk/road-cycling- ... dolomites/
  • FatTed
    FatTed Posts: 1,205
    Give Eros an email