New rim or new wheel?

ForumNewbie Posts: 1,664
edited November 2014 in Workshop
The rim on the front wheel of my steel Audax bike looks as if it is getting a bit concave, but not sure whether its still okay or whether it's nearly worn through. It's lasted me 8 years over which time the bike has covered nearly 15,000 miles so I think probably best to change it to be safe. The wheel has 32 spokes on a Tiagra hub which has never caused me any problems, so is it worth getting an LBS to put a new rim on, or should I go for a complete new wheel?

If going for a new wheel, I was recommended by one bike shop a custom/handbuilt wheel with a Mavic Open Pro Rim with a Shimano 105 hub at a total cost of £110 including the labour. Does that sound like a good combination and price?


  • Sounds perfect.

    If your old wheels were of flesh n bone, I think you'd be entitled to say they'd "had a bloody good innings".

    You can do a lot better though price wise: ... 59395.html

    (And you'll have them the day after you order),

    Or consider these also: ... 57956.html

    Personally, I'd go for the Hope.
  • With a Tiagra Hub and planned replacement with 105 Open Pro or similar if may not feel cost effective to re-rim. It all depends on how much it will cost to get a new rim fitted (presumably with new spokes as well?) versus a new wheel. As to which wheel get a hand built one everytime - my personal choice is Harry Rowland but there are plenty of other with good reps. £110 for a 105 hub Open Pro front only sounds reasonable - my similar set (36 H F&R) from Harry was about £250 or so inc postage so not too bad for F only maybe a little dear but it all depends on whose building them (skill is well worth paying for!).
  • ForumNewbie
    ForumNewbie Posts: 1,664
    Thanks for the responses. I called in at a local bike shop on my way home tonight and they are getting the wheel (Open Pro rim and 105 hub) in for me at £105, which seems reasonable and as they are local I can take back if any problems with spokes etc. I've just looked at Harry Rowland's site and I'll consider that in future.