Frame Damage - Do I need a new frame?

jamieratna Posts: 3
edited November 2014 in Workshop
Hi everyone,

Had a tumble on the bike about a month ago and did my shoulder. Getting better now and want to get back on the bike however the bike had some minor damage to the top tube. there is a small dent in the top tube and there are some very small, almost unnoticeable cracks either side of the dent (only really know they are there when you run your hand over it).

The bike is a Scott S60 Speedster Aluminium frame that i have upgraded the group set on but it is really just my throw around bike, and i specifically like the fact that i can leave out when i go to the pub and i'm not too concerned if it gets dents etc in it (kind of the reason why i just want to keep this frame). it has a fair few minor dents already but the micro-cracks are the thing that worries me. i don't want it to collapse on me.

Have just attached some photos (might have to open in new tab), if you guys can give me advice on whether i should get a new frame or if this will be fine to ride it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance, apologies if i've left out some vital info









  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,675
    Pictures not showing.

    Please use the preview button to check your images work.

    Dropbox is a bit odd.

    The picture I looked at does look bad.
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • desweller
    desweller Posts: 5,175
    I'd ride it, but only for pootling around at low speed, being careful to avoid potholes etc., the idea being that if it does give up the accident won't be a big one. If I used this frame for training rides or hauling a load then I'd scrap it. It doesn't look too clever.
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  • frisbee
    frisbee Posts: 691
    It doesn't look good, not sure I would trust it.
  • thanks guys i reckon i might give it a go and if i see the cracks getting bigger etc i will scrap it.