giro empire vs northwave extreme tech plus

brabus Posts: 138
edited October 2014 in Road buying advice
Looking to replace my trusty old lake cx170s and narrowed it down to the giros or the northwaves.
Online reviews seem good for both but interested in views of others.
Anyone own either of these 2014 models? How is the quality/sizing etc?

Love the look of the giros but tempted by the technology of the northwaves esp as I use speedplay pedals and they have been designed in conjunction with speedplay to lower the stack height considerably....but in the real world woild I even notice this?

Which would you buy? cheers


  • Ive just got some northwave extremes and i use speedplay pedals as well. Went out for the first time in them yesterday and im thoroughly impressed so far. They are slightly wider than the DMT's ive got so makes for a comfier shoe for me, nice and grippy the adjustment is really good as well. Like the reviews though they dont automatically release as easy as other shoes since they use waxed cord rather than wire but you soon get used to that. They are very light and stiff as well. The speedplay adaptor is really clever IMO and keeps a really low stack height. Im going to be biased though as mine were from ebay and were apparently shop soiled (id have never noticed) and i got them for £75.