Which mudguards? No mounts, minimal clearance!

DanDax1990 Posts: 1,201
edited October 2014 in Road buying advice
Hi guys, I'm in need of mudguards for my Ribble 7005 Sportive but not sure which will fit.

There's no mount on the frame or fork and there's not much clearance due to running 25mm Gatorskins.

Not sure if there's even enough clearance for some Roadracer's on the rear.

What are my options? I was thinking of trying a set of Rodaracer's and modifying them somehow.

There doesn't seam much clearance where the rear brake caliper is and there's none at all where the tyre meet's the seat tube so don't think going for 23mm tyres would make a difference...

What's my options? Cheers.


  • Perhaps the SKS Race Blade Clips Ons would be Ok
    The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd.
  • DanDax1990
    DanDax1990 Posts: 1,201
    Just been having a look and seen the Zefal Shield R30 which are designed for frame with minimal clearance.

    Anyone used them?
  • Omar Little
    Omar Little Posts: 2,010
    race blade longs will probably be ok, ive not got much clearance but can fit them on - officially 25c tyres are too big (for the width of the guards not the clearance) but in practice it works ok
  • jameses
    jameses Posts: 653
    I've just fitted some SKS raceblade longs to my Secteur, previously had Cruds on there. If clearance is an issue, go with the raceblades. You don't get any protection for the brake callipers, but you only need space to fit a thin piece of metal between the brakes and the tyres. I think about 2mm is enough, as opposed to the 5mm or so needed to prevent Cruds from rubbing. They only extend a couple of inches past the rear brake bridge, so you probably won't have issues at the seat tube either.

    As Omar said, officially raceblades can fit up to 23mm tyres but I have 25mm Michelins on (which always run larger than the stated size) and there is no rubbing.
  • CptKernow
    CptKernow Posts: 467
    I'd definitely not go for SKS Race Blades. My experience of them has been awful and I'd say they are incredibly flimsy and downright dangerous.
    Mine would not stay back on the clips after removing and at one time came free during a ride jamming up my wheel.

    I now have a set of Cruds which seem much better. Although I still have the front SKS on - the mudflap fell off it today...
  • kajjal
    kajjal Posts: 3,380
    I am using one of these at the moment. Very easy to fit and adjust. So far no problems on bumpy roads.

  • jameses
    jameses Posts: 653
    CptKernow wrote:
    I'd definitely not go for SKS Race Blades. My experience of them has been awful and I'd say they are incredibly flimsy and downright dangerous.
    Mine would not stay back on the clips after removing and at one time came free during a ride jamming up my wheel.

    I now have a set of Cruds which seem much better. Although I still have the front SKS on - the mudflap fell off it today...

    Was it the standard race blades or race blade longs? They have different mountings - the longs attach to the brake bridges and QR skewers rather than fork/seat stay mounts, and seem pretty solid.
  • DanDax1990
    DanDax1990 Posts: 1,201
    The SKS's look like they'll be the best fit.

    Really like the look of the Zefal's though and I really like the coverage you get for the front mech and crank area from the roadracer's but I hate their flimsyness. I fitted a pair for a work friend last year and they only lasted a few month until they ended up breaking and they rubbed all the time too.
  • CptKernow
    CptKernow Posts: 467
    JamesEs wrote:
    Was it the standard race blades or race blade longs? They have different mountings - the longs attach to the brake bridges and QR skewers rather than fork/seat stay mounts, and seem pretty solid.

    Longs. Problem was with where they attach to calliper clip. Seems to be the same problem as illustrated here (but on the other clips) - and that's after the recall replacement:
  • northpole
    northpole Posts: 1,499
    I used a set of Race blades earlier this year and they were vastly superior to the crud guards I used previously. Frankly I'd rather get wet than put up with the wibbly wobbly blunders that are Crud guards! Should have been called Heath Robinson...

  • anjasola
    anjasola Posts: 145
    SKS Race Blades need more than minimal clearance.
  • jameses
    jameses Posts: 653
    CptKernow wrote:
    JamesEs wrote:
    Was it the standard race blades or race blade longs? They have different mountings - the longs attach to the brake bridges and QR skewers rather than fork/seat stay mounts, and seem pretty solid.

    Longs. Problem was with where they attach to calliper clip. Seems to be the same problem as illustrated here (but on the other clips) - and that's after the recall replacement:

    Good to know, I'll keep an eye on the the clips!