Turbo Trainer Tyre - worth it?

nochekmate Posts: 3,460
edited October 2014 in Road buying advice
Just taken the plunge to buy a turbo trainer (Kurt Kinetic Rock & Roll 2013 model reduced to half price) to aid the training when it gets 'orrible out there and wondering whether or not to spend a little extra buying a dedicated turbo tyre.

Are they worth buying? I have a couple of old tyres from my road bikes lying around in the garage that I could use instead. Already will be running a spare turbo wheel set-up. Do the turbo trainer tyres wear at a significantly slower rate?

Any particular recommendations if they are better than using cast-off road tyres?



  • FatTed
    FatTed Posts: 1,205
    When you have worn your tyres out then it is worth it, less noisy (I think), less heat build up, cheap, not sure if they last longer.
  • diy
    diy Posts: 6,473
    Recycle the old tyres - I think most folk have a stock of tyres that are too slashed up to trust on the road but have plenty of life left in them.
  • paulwood
    paulwood Posts: 231
    Same here. i got a whole winter out of an old tyre last year and will be using it again this year
  • nochekmate
    nochekmate Posts: 3,460
    So early consensus seems to be not to bother with a dedicated indoor trainer tyre if some old tyres are available then. Good because I'm struggling to justify the cost of the turbo anyway!
  • jordan_217
    jordan_217 Posts: 2,580
    I had a stockpile of standard fit cheapo tyres which I used on the turbo. Once they were worn I got a turbo sprcific one (for a good price); cant say I noticed any difference. Cheaper tyres are usually made of a harder compund - crap for wet roads, good for a turbo.

    Look for £10 specials on PX, Ribble, etc.
    “Training is like fighting with a gorilla. You don’t stop when you’re tired. You stop when the gorilla is tired.”
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Not all turbos wear your tyre out anyway. I did a full winter on my normal tyres - no bother.
  • tdougan
    tdougan Posts: 152
    I used an old GP4000s that had a cut or two in.

    I just moved to a £15 turbo tire off wiggle.. it's noticeably quieter
  • northpole
    northpole Posts: 1,499
    Stick with your old tyres until you establish that you have the mental fortitude to sit for hour after hour on a TT! There are plenty of people who would rather face the elements than use a turbo - they are marmite-like!!

  • nochekmate
    nochekmate Posts: 3,460
    northpole wrote:
    Stick with your old tyres until you establish that you have the mental fortitude to sit for hour after hour on a TT! There are plenty of people who would rather face the elements than use a turbo - they are marmite-like!!


    It won't be hour after hour for me on the turbo. Just getting it so that I can do an hour (probably max) when the weather makes outdoor riding very difficult - ie. snow & ice or if it's really wet and miserable outside.

    Probably have enough old tyres to keep me going by the sounds of things. Hoping turbo may make things a little more time efficient ie. can set it up at work and do an hour either before/after work or even in my lunch break. Got some sufferfest DVds as well from previous turbo use but expect to do more on the roads than indoors.