Recommend a handle bar camera

Tobster86 Posts: 2
edited October 2014 in Commuting general
Hi all, here goes my first post...

I have a 25 mile round commute in Worcestershire which involves a mix of town and country cycling, and a great deal of dealing with a large number of morons who seem intent on inflicting actual death. Yesterday I experienced one incidence of nearly being crushed by a caravan too many; it was on a blind corner and also caused a vehicle coming the other way to take avoiding action.

As I'm about as visible as I could possibly be in terms of lighting & reflectors, so I'd now like to fit a handlebar* camera, and will also attach a sign to my rucksack; 'Pass Cyclists With Care' next to an enforcement camera symbol.

I'd like one which maintains a buffer of video, and stores for example the past and next few minutes permenantly when you press a button. I've been looking on the Internet but can't seem to find this as a listed feature anywhere, most seem to just start/stop recording when you press the button.

Budget is sub £50 and video quality doesn't need to be amazing.

Can anyone recommend anything?

*Helmet-only cameras aren't an option as I don't wear one, nor do I want to wear a head mounted camera.
