Bottom bracket identification and remove

Subway_sam Posts: 17
edited October 2014 in Workshop
Hey everyone,I bought a frame and fork set up on the cheap to build a fixie. I couldn't work out what type it was or how to remove it? (What tool?) My plan was to replace it with a modern/stronger one but I am not sure weather it would work with the frame, if you think it does recommendations for bottom brackets will be helpful . Any help will be great ! Cheers



  • keezx
    keezx Posts: 1,322
    Looks like a ordinary old skool bottombracket with separate cups and balls.
    1-Loosen the ring on the left side counterclockwise with hookwrech or hammer+chisel.
    2-Unscrew left cup counterclockwise with spanner or adjustable wrench.
    3-Pull out the axle and ball bearings.
    4-Put the right cup in a big vise and unscrew with frame clockwise (unless it's an Italian frame > counterclockwise)

    What replacement you need, depends on the crankset you have or want to use.
    For a cheap square taper JIS crankset (common) a Shimano UN BB cartridge will do the job for little money.
  • I have removed the bracket but I have come across a disc shaped metal seal . Not sure weather it's removable or ifs apart of the frame. Can anyone help?

    Cheers Sam