Setting up Sora Front Derailleur

flowrate Posts: 15
edited September 2014 in Workshop
Hi All

Having trouble setting up my front derailleur
I have been onto the shirmano web site and have downloaded these instructions, ... 01-ENG.pdf
but still cannot get stop the chain rubbing on cage in top gear ( large ring small spocket) if the bottom gear is set up or vice versa.

Am I missing something? The first paragraph says
Setup the flat part so that there is between 1 to 3 mm above the chain ring. Done
Then is says the outer ring needs to parallel and over the outer ring. How do you get the ring over the outer ring? Do you use the limit screws? Or is there some other adjustment screw? My derailleur is 1mm to 2 mm short of being over the outer ring.

Any advise much appreciated, thanks

