Broken Shimano rims - worth repairing?

MrLion Posts: 12
edited September 2014 in Workshop
Following a somewhat dramatic prang both the front and rear rims of my Shimano RS-80 C24s are pretty severely (2-3mm depth) scratched and I think unusable.

The hubs seem to be in perfect nick - indeed the wheels are not that far from true - is it worth trying to get the wheels repaired or reuse the hubs somehow or should I just concede defeat?


  • Spare Shimano rims are too expensive to make it an option... keep the hubs for spares and move on
    left the forum March 2023
  • Thanks - that's kind of what I thought…

    Opportunity to rethink the wheels I need but frankly the RS-80s are great and I think you need to spend quite a bit more to get a meaningful bump in quality.