Walking Dead

mrushton Posts: 5,182
edited September 2014 in The cake stop
Anyone watch this? If so, why have I missed an episode? I saw last week where The Governor was skulking about then this week we have gone straight to the prison being overrun. An episode is missing, so have I missed it or has it been forgotten?


  • You've missed more than one episode...

    Terminus is the new prison.
  • you've missed way more than one
  • You've also spoiled it for anyone who hasn't watched in... (fortunately I have!)
  • Hardly spoiled... :roll:
  • Whaoh, living in the past there buddy!

    Use watchseries.to to catch up. It's a great site. We are quite a ways ahead of where you are now. Enjoy!
  • mrushton
    mrushton Posts: 5,182
    I watch on 5* and they haven't finished Series 4 yet. prior to this w/end the Governor had formed his new group after deposing Ramirez and had come across Michonne/Hershel. There should now be an episode in which he confronts the occupants of the prison but there wasn't. I have the freeview set to record the whole series which it has but wondered if anyone on here had used 5* and had noticed the programme had been on?
  • Find the episode you watched last, and check the next one is the right one to watch


    From memory, I think they sometimes "miss out" a continuing part of the plot for one episode, then pick it up in the next one.
    I found that the "coming up" bit at the end, doesn't necessarily mean the next episode