105 Cassette 11T sprocket bent

roubaixtom Posts: 316
edited September 2014 in Workshop

On my 10 speed 105 5700 cassette the smalleds cog seems to have a bent tooth. I cannot use this gear as when i put pressure on it it skips. Do i need to buy a new cassette? or can i just get a separate sprocket?

Also i changed the chain 1500km ago if i had to buy a new cassette should i get a new chain as well?



  • Well you could just get a sprocket by itself if someone is selling one. Check eBay.

    It's not necessary to change the chain. I can't imagine chain being that worn out after 1500km unless you have been doing some serious watts.
  • I had this on a brand new SRAM cassette. I sent it back to the supplier and got a replacement.
    I have only two things to say to that; Bo***cks
  • andy_wrx
    andy_wrx Posts: 3,396
    This 'bent tooth' isn't just the way Shimano make the cassette is it ?
    - in order to help with slick changes, odd teeth on a cog are different shapes or thicknesses, which helps guide the chain onto the next cog when you shift
    If you have similar 'bent teeth' on all of the cogs, it's probably this.

    When it skips, does it try to skip onto the next cog ? or skip off the cog and off the cassette completely ?
    If you turn the bike upside down and pedal it whilst clicking through the gears, does each one change smoothly apart from the change to this last one, where it 'doesn't seem to go far enough' or 'goes too far' ?

    If it's this, sounds instead like it's your derailleur limit screw
    - see http://www.parktool.com/blog/repair-hel ... derailleur where it talks about the H-screw

    If it's 'not moving far enough', screw it out 1/4 turn and see if any change; if it's 'moving too far', screw it in 1/4 turn and see if any change
    You'll need to click the gear onto the next cog and back again to see if you've improved it; if not, try another 1/4 turn, etc

    - remember how many turns you've moved it, then if it doesn't work you can screw it back again !
    Note that if you adjust it so that it 'moves too far' and falls off the end of the cassette and jams between it and the frame, this could lock up your rear wheel and so is obviously dangerous !
  • the gears are all indexed correctly by me. It doesn't try to move off the cog it just skips forward.