Noob questions; saddle/helmet/toe clips and cleats

sharpysharpy Posts: 3
edited September 2014 in Commuting general
Hi all, first post on the forum but been following articles on here for a while!
Got myself a new bicycle; Dawes discovery road. Using it primarily to commute and travel to the gym on. Previously ridden my mates MTB which was older than me and useless on the flats!

Couple of noob questions here, I’ve read the related reviews and tried to seek out any relevant forum posts to avoid re-asking someone else’s questions.

Firstly; new saddle. The saddle which came with my new bike is quite literally a ball breaker. The long slender race style design is pretty uncomfortable even with a gel saddle cover on. Looking to buy a new saddle purely for comfort. Had a look at the Adamo and ISM ones but just wanted some tried and tested advice/ alternatives before I shell out for what seems to be a rather pricey bit of kit!

Secondly, helmets. Currently using my mates argos helmet which i don’t have much faith in plus it makes me look like I’m deep sea diving. I have a little pea head/face so the majority of helmets make me look pretty silly. Any recommendations for a nice low profile, less bulky helmet? Read the reviews and the giro savant is looking promising, along with the bell solar and potentially the boardman race helmet from Halfords. Would love a GT corsa but looks like you can’t pick one up for love nor money! Looking to spend under £50 if I can.

Thirdly; cleats or toe clips? Mountain bike had foot straps on which I really liked. Liked being able to pull as well as push but did find it a bit awkward getting my feet back into the “cage” to ride off at junctions etc. New bike has crappy BMX type plastic pedals which I am going to replace any way. Had planned on getting some metal pedals and putting the toe cage/straps on but the guy in the bike shop was very surprised when I said that. He told me cleats/clip in shoes were the way forward. Apprehensive about that idea as I don’t like the thought of being attached to the bike and can see myself going overboard.

Annnnnnd finally; how do I go about registering my bike or chipping it etc with the police or alternatives?
Don’t wanna look like one of the guys “all the gear but nee idea” Any help greatly appreciated and cheers for reading this long post!


  • Saddles & helmets are a personal choice as your ass & head shape will be different from others. I have the same make/model saddle on my bikes but tried a bike with a gel cover which I found quite harsh, guess you might get used to your new saddle but without getting personal be careful if wearing trousers with cotton pants underneath as you may find this quite uncomfortable but I won't go any further.

    Pedals are a personal choice & mine is for clipped pedals but depending on the length of your commute, number of lights junctions etc you might find flats or caged a better option.
    Pain hurts much less if its topped off with beating your mates to top of a climb.
  • Cheers, It's the saddle shape thats getting me; not used to the long narrow gooch destroying design of the race saddle. Might switch the saddles to the old MTB saddle as that worked fine with a gel cover.
    My commute isnt a big one; around 10km there and the same back but it does involve a lot of junctions and a lot of steep hills which is why I think the flat pedals will be letting me down; as mentioned I like to pull as well as push.
  • davis
    davis Posts: 2,506
    Don't worry about being "attached" to the bike. They'd release in a "falling-off" scenario anyway, unlike cages, which will hold on to your feet forever...

    Anyway, you wouldn't go skiing without being attached to the skis, would you?

    I'd look at getting a saddle with a cut-out for your gooch. For me Specialized saddles are simply perfect, but plenty of people seem to like Charge Spoons. It's personal, and you're going to have to try some different ones.
    Sometimes parts break. Sometimes you crash. Sometimes it’s your fault.
  • They're all personal preference so worth trying out if you can.

    My preference is Brooks (Swallow on the road bike, Team Pro on the tourer), Kask Vertigo and Shimano spds.