Contador's Leg



  • RichN95 wrote:
    tim000 wrote:
    i think he was glowing at the tour and worried about a possitive test so needed an excuse to pull out.
    Yes, because if I wanted to fake an injury I'd definitely do it by crashing at 75kph on a downhill section. And I'd definitely come second on a stage two days before to ensure I don't get tested.

    And if you were faking it, would you then ride for an hour or so uphill chasing the leaders with a broken leg before actually abandoning? Claiming a virus would be the more logical means of faking it!
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,163
    I've said elsewhere a "broken leg" can be a bit of bone chipped off the end of your fibula, he could have been walking the day after and gently cycling 5 days after. On the far end of the scale you have Taylor Phinney who obviously could not have been.
    Either nobody ever asked or he just didn't qualify what a "broken leg" meant.

    Thing is, he was cycling (and not very gently) within about 5 minutes and made it all the way up a 1st category climb without losing much more time than he did in the initial crash.
    “Alberto has a broken tibia. It’s not a bad fracture but he needs surgery,” team boss Bjarne Riis told journalists. “He’s in a lot of pain and is getting stitches".
  • dsoutar
    dsoutar Posts: 1,746
    I broke my arm/elbow and I was never put in a cast.

    Type 2 radial head fracture.

    Carried on playing basketball for 20 mins after I broke it.

    Came off my chopper when I was 11. Over (or between) the handlebars, landed on my chin and my friend who was sat on the seat behind me (despite the warning label) landed on my neck. Broke my jaw in three places. Didn't have my jaw in a cast

    On a less jocular note I also broke the head of my radius when I came off my bike and landed on my elbow and didn't have a cast on that either
  • Macaloon
    Macaloon Posts: 5,545
    dsoutar wrote:
    On a less jocular note I also broke the head of my radius when I came off my bike and landed on my elbow and didn't have a cast on that either

    Travel advisory. I was taken out by a faceless bureaucrat in Japan, requiring surgical pinning and wiring of the elbow. No cast, physio <24hrs post-op, and only ibuprofen (suppository strength) for comfort. Take your own codeine, just in case.
    ...a rare 100% loyal Pro Race poster. A poster boy for the community.
  • markp80
    markp80 Posts: 444
    I broke my tibia at the end of May. Now 13 weeks post-op and I'm only this week allowed to weight-bear on it, and still have crutches. He's a tougher man than me!

    Boardman Road Comp - OK, I went to Halfords
    Tibia plateau fracture - the rehab continues!
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    dsoutar wrote:
    I broke my arm/elbow and I was never put in a cast.

    Type 2 radial head fracture.

    Carried on playing basketball for 20 mins after I broke it.

    Came off my chopper when I was 11. Over (or between) the handlebars, landed on my chin and my friend who was sat on the seat behind me (despite the warning label) landed on my neck. Broke my jaw in three places. Didn't have my jaw in a cast

    On a less jocular note I also broke the head of my radius when I came off my bike and landed on my elbow and didn't have a cast on that either

    Just making the point I broke a limb - carried on using for a bit - and never had it casted.

    Bit like Contador.

    I was carrying stuff with it 4 weeks later.
  • joelsim
    joelsim Posts: 7,552
    To be fair Bertie isn't riding as well as he was earlier in the season so it has had an effect.

    JTL was worse, he was legless and still managed to perform.
  • Macaloon wrote:
    dsoutar wrote:
    On a less jocular note I also broke the head of my radius when I came off my bike and landed on my elbow and didn't have a cast on that either

    Travel advisory. I was taken out by a faceless bureaucrat in Japan, requiring surgical pinning and wiring of the elbow. No cast, physio <24hrs post-op, and only ibuprofen (suppository strength) for comfort. Take your own codeine, just in case.

    Apparently the weight of the cast can cause misalignment of the bones - my son broke his elbow a couple of years ago - the hospital in Wales did put it in a cast but as soon as we got home our local hospital took it off and said it was their policy not to cast those breaks.

    I broke my hand and never ever went to hospital - hurt like buggery for ages and a few years later it turned out the odd lump was a bone break that had set funny. Not to be outdone my other half broke her scaphoid and lived with it for a year before she got it x-rayed when she was in for breaking the other wrist - that required a graft and pin because she'd left it so long.
    [Castle Donington Ladies FC - going up in '22]
  • dsoutar
    dsoutar Posts: 1,746
    On the opposite side of the argument, I tore all the ligaments on both sides of my ankle (but no break) playing 5-a-side and did have a cast which was on for about 10 days
  • einriba wrote:
    For me it's all historical and I think Contadope has proved he's not a sportsman in the way us Brits like.

    I'm really not keen on Contador at all, but can we raise the level of debate from name calling please? Thanks.
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format
  • Macaloon
    Macaloon Posts: 5,545
    einriba wrote:
    For me it's all historical and I think Contadope has proved he's not a sportsman in the way us Brits like.

    I'm really not keen on Contador at all, but can we raise the level of debate from name calling please? Thanks.

    ...a rare 100% loyal Pro Race poster. A poster boy for the community.
  • joelsim
    joelsim Posts: 7,552
    Macaloon wrote:
    einriba wrote:
    For me it's all historical and I think Contadope has proved he's not a sportsman in the way us Brits like.

    I'm really not keen on Contador at all, but can we raise the level of debate from name calling please? Thanks.


    It's not as if he was doing anything that everyone else wasn't doing.
  • To go from a broken leg to leading the vuelta(including a TT on par with the worlds best)just makes me think that cycling has a long way to go before it cleans up it act.
  • Really ? I thought we'd already agreed broken leg could mean a chipped bone or very minor crack and being off the bike for a few weeks doesn't suddenly set a rider back to square one. I don't know if Contador is clean, I don't know if any rider is, but I don't see this broken leg and recovery as evidence one way or the other.
    [Castle Donington Ladies FC - going up in '22]
  • TheBigBean
    TheBigBean Posts: 21,541
    I see Neymar has managed to recover from a broken back in a similar time frame.
  • OK. If not a broken leg then a bad leg injury with internal stiches.Still within a minute of Martin and leaving some of the worlds best climbers for dust.I just find it a bit hard go understand but then I'm no medical expert. :-)