Fitting Handle Bars

iwilldoit Posts: 710
edited September 2014 in MTB general
Hi All

Going to replace the bars on my bike for some better quality ones, only 20mm wider, what I'm wondering/would like to know is will the cables slide off the bars, or will I need to disconnect the cables off the shifters etc ?


  • No. Just slide them off and if they don't reach move the bars the other way and jiggle it around.
  • Also, make sure when you refit them that all the cables are routed in a fashion that's smooth running in the runs to the mechs and callipers and that the bars can spin just over 180 degrees so if you crash it doesn't rip and bend them.
  • Cheers for that, yes know about the loose mechs/brakes from my enduro riding, mind broke my brake lever up at Rhayader this weekend, first on in heaven knows how many years and it was a simple little slide off.