Wheels (again!) This time under £180

nickponty Posts: 61
edited August 2014 in Road buying advice
Hi all,

Another wheelset thread I'm afraid, but its sale time and there seem to be some good bargains to be had. I'm looking to upgrade the stock Bontrager wheels on my 2013 Trek 1.5.

Ideally looking to spend £150 max, but could push to £180 for something that was worth it. I know this is nothing compared to what's usually discussed, but hey, not all of us can afford a pair of Lightweight Meilensteins...!

Had been looking at the classic Mavic Aksiums - can pick up last year's, with tyres, for £136 from CRC.

Or the equally ubiquitous Fulcrum Racing 7s which you can get for around £120.

But then I spotted these rather nice Reynold Straus Sport wheels in the Wiggle sale at £180: http://www.wiggle.co.uk/reynolds-stratu ... -wheelset/ I can't find anything about them online but they seem a fair bit lighter than the others (1633g) and have the advantage of being 11 speed compatible if I decide to upgrade my groupset at some point.

Was wondering if anyone had any thoughts, or alternatives at this sort of price. Or would I be better saving my pennies and sticking with the wheels I've got?!

Thanks all,

