ignorant question on square taper bottom bracket and cranks

mikewoods Posts: 135
edited August 2014 in Workshop
My mate has a Giant TCR, approx 6 - 8 years old. Looks like it has a square taper bottom bracket, shell is 68mm. Is there a way of fitting my old 105 crankest? is there a replacement bb that can be used instead or can you only use cranks that fit square taper bb's?


  • arlowood
    arlowood Posts: 2,561
    Is your "old" 105 crankset Hollowtech II ie does it have a 24mm diameter spindle.

    If so then all you need do is remove the current crankset (some form of crank puller will be needed unless it is of the self-extracting design) then remove the square taper BB (always assuming that you can find the correct removal tool) and replace it with any Hollowtech II BB. They're pretty inexpensive so the conversion won't cost a lot.
  • mikewoods
    mikewoods Posts: 135
    sorry just realised I portrayed my 105 stuff as old as his bike - the 105 is 5700 so yeah hollowtech II with 24 mm spindle. I wondered if the threads would accept a HTII bb
  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,673
    Square taper and hollow tec 2 can have the same threads.

    If they are both BSA (English) then fine. If they are both Italian then fine etc etc.
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