Early into Dieppe ... catch a few Zz's?

Posts: 8,498
Anyone taken the Newhaven Dieppe ferry that arrives in Dieppe at 4am local time?
Just contemplating if/where to get a few (more) Zzs before starting a ride to Paris - I see they have a terminal building with a cafe and newstand in - just hoping there might be a comfy chair or even a floor to stop for an hour or 2 - seems pointless to cycle for a few hours in the dark just for the sake of it. Plus - I'd need some breakfast!!
Just contemplating if/where to get a few (more) Zzs before starting a ride to Paris - I see they have a terminal building with a cafe and newstand in - just hoping there might be a comfy chair or even a floor to stop for an hour or 2 - seems pointless to cycle for a few hours in the dark just for the sake of it. Plus - I'd need some breakfast!!
Don't bank on using the terminal building. I took this crossing in 2011. Once they had loaded the ferry for the return journey to the UK they shut everything down in the terminal area and kicked me and about 5 other cyclists out to fend for ourselves. This was around 4.30am and we ended up riding off into the pre-dawn murk.
I'd planned on riding Dieppe to Beauvaix that day and ended up arriving at my hotel at about 12.00. I was so tired I slept in the afternoon and went out about 5pm for what was technically my lunch!0