Stanford Lane warning (for folks near Loughborough)

martincroxall Posts: 102
edited August 2014 in Commuting chat
A quick heads up that some idiot thinks cyclists using Stanford Lane (between Cotes and Stanford on Soar) are fair game as he drives past them. The car involved is a silver older model Vauxhall Corsa (no number plate I'm afraid). The passenger in this car hit me on the back of the head a couple of months ago, I reported it to the Police and put it down as a one off thing. However, today the same car did the same thing except this time they threw (wait for it) a cake and a spoon at the back of my head. Very random indeed but it came as a fair old shock when it hit me. Anyway, reported it to the Police again but understandably without a number plate they can't do much.
So, if you've ever had any hassles from this car in this area then let the Police know would you? And watch yourself out there. Oh, forgot to mention, both incidents occurred midweek about 5.15pm.

Finally (this is a bit of a rant, sorry). Because of the shock I had to sit down at the side of the road, my bike just dropped and my helmet off. I reckon at least 8 cars drove past (including one I tried to wave down) and completely ignored me, awesome.
You hear that? He's up there... mewing in the nerve centre of his evil empire. A ground rent increase here, a tax dodge there? he sticks his leg in the air, laughs his cat laugh... and dives back down to grooming his balls!
