Garmin deleted my post from their forum

curium Posts: 815
edited August 2014 in Road buying advice
Just a heads up to anyone considering buying a Garmin Virb Elite camera for filming their cycling.

I purchased one of these cameras just over 2 weeks ago, a couple of days before I went on holiday in the south of France.

I did lots of cycling and filmed my descents of Ventoux, etc.

For those who are not familiar, the main selling point of the Garmin Virb Elite (PS. you can buy it a lot cheaper than the RRP price) is it's ability to record GPS and other sensor info (such as cadence, speed, etc) along with the video and display this info as an overlay in the video.

I got back from my holiday and downloaded their free software for Mac OSX - Garmin Virb Edit version 2.60 - it turns out that there is a bug in this software which means that even though all the GPS and sensor info is available with the recorded video, this information is not displayed in the video!

For me this is a major issue which Garmin need to address urgently because this is its unique selling point over many other cameras on the market.

I headed over to their forum this morning and found that there were already a few posts highlighting this issue so I appended my complaint with screenshots.

Here is a screenshot of the video preview which displays the sensor info:

14757493897_345cf2b9d7_z.jpgvirb1 by curium, on Flickr

Here is a screenshot of the final edit video created by Virb Edit version 2.6.0 (for mac osx) with the sensor info blank:

14757421748_12860982b9_z.jpgvirb2 by curium, on Flickr

When I got back home this afternoon I went to their forum to check for updates and the thread has vanished. It would appear, pending clarification from Garmin, that the thread has been deleted.

I have created another thread on the Garmin forum asking for clarification but until I get a reply I thought I would post here to see if there is anyone here who has a Virb Elite and has experienced similar issues with the product. If you have, could you please state the operating system your compute is using along with the software version of Virb Edit you are using and the firmware version on your camera.
