Garmin 200 route name change

riddon Posts: 21
edited August 2014 in Road general
Can anyone tell me how to change the name of a route on my Garmin 200? Whenever I upload a new gpx or tax route to the unit it renames it as 'route' and wherever I try to change the name it still stays as 'route'.


  • trailflow
    trailflow Posts: 1,311
    Are you putting the files in the 'NewFiles' folder ?
  • riddon
    riddon Posts: 21
    Yes. It is converting them OK to a route / course but renames them as 'route' so I don't know which is which.
  • freezing77
    freezing77 Posts: 731
    Where are you getting the routes from?

    I am asking this because a gpx file may contain a route with a name that differs from the file name.

    In fact a single gpx file can conain numerous route/tracks/waypoints all with different names.
  • riddon
    riddon Posts: 21
    Thats confusing. I create the route with Viewranger. Save it as a GPX file. Convert to Garmin tcx file. Rename that to a sensible name which I recognise. Plug in my Garmin and copy the file to new files. Disconnect the Garmin and switch it on. The route appears in Courses but the name has changed to 'route'. This is the default name from Viewranger before I renamed it.
  • freezing77
    freezing77 Posts: 731
    riddon wrote:
    Thats confusing. I create the route with Viewranger. Save it as a GPX file. Convert to Garmin tcx file. Rename that to a sensible name which I recognise. Plug in my Garmin and copy the file to new files. Disconnect the Garmin and switch it on. The route appears in Courses but the name has changed to 'route'. This is the default name from Viewranger before I renamed it.

    I have just created a route in viewranger, the gpx file is called route.gpx. The actual route within the file is called Route, 6 Aug 2014 22:52:51.
    The latter is what your garmin will see rather than the former.

    Here are the full contents of the gpx file
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <gpx xmlns="; version="1.0" creator="ViewRanger -" xmlns:xsi="; xsi:schemaLocation="">
    <name><![CDATA[Route, 6 Aug 2014 22:52:51]]></name>
    <rtept lat="51.387611" lon="-0.432274">
    <rtept lat="51.38681" lon="-0.429635">
  • riddon
    riddon Posts: 21
    Is there no way to change this in Garmin? I have even tried renaming the route once it is in Garmin but it still defaults to 'route'.

    Thanks for your help.