Crosslight Disc Wheel Cone/freewheel

comsense Posts: 245
edited August 2014 in Workshop
I just got a new pair of Kinesis Crosslight Disc Wheels.
On the first ride a problem arose where the freewheel was not "free enough" and it was not possible to freewheel.
The axle has hex head recesses in the hollow where the Q/R spindle fits so you can insert the allan key in Q/R hollow end of the axle and loosen or tighten the play. On loosening these the freewheel operated properly. It took a moment to get it adjusted just right - loosen a tiny bit too much and the freewheel body had play along the axle. Tighten a tiny bit too much and there was not enough freewheel.

It is working fine now but, as I have never seen a setup like this before, I wondered if anyone has seen this setup and if I am adjusting it correctly? Should it be tightened from one end only or is it a case of equally moving both sides? Can't find a tech doc anywhere for this design.



  • monkimark
    monkimark Posts: 2,009
    I had the same problem but I can't believe that leaving the bolts undone is the correct solution, there would need to be a locknut to maintain the correct tightness. Mine are going back to the shop.
  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,337
    There are no cones, your hubs have sealed bearings. When that happens, typically it means that the outboard freehub bearing is not sitting correctly.
    The solution is to extract the freehub, pop the rubber washer out with a screwdriver to access the outboard bearing and use a few coins or a used bearing or anything you can find as a punch... you will then tap on to the punch with a mallet to make sure the bearing sits correctly.

    Going around with undone hub caps is not a solution, but a good way to crack the axle
    left the forum March 2023
  • comsense
    comsense Posts: 245
    Glad I asked now, thanks for the advise both of you.
    Returning the wheel isn't really isn't a first option as I bought from wiggle and I am in Ireland. I'll remove the freewheel and see how I get on.
  • comsense
    comsense Posts: 245
    There are no cones, your hubs have sealed bearings. When that happens, typically it means that the outboard freehub bearing is not sitting correctly.
    The solution is to extract the freehub, pop the rubber washer out with a screwdriver to access the outboard bearing and use a few coins or a used bearing or anything you can find as a punch... you will then tap on to the punch with a mallet to make sure the bearing sits correctly.

    Going around with undone hub caps is not a solution, but a good way to crack the axle

    Many thanks, it is now freewheeling perfectly and it took less than 15 minutes. You saved me a serious amount of hassle returning it and I would have had several weeks without the wheel.

    EDIT: It only took the very lightest of taps. I used a plastic sleeve over the bearing and gently tapped with the plastic handle of a screwdriver.
  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,337
    Live and learn... :wink:
    left the forum March 2023
  • comsense
    comsense Posts: 245
    used the Kinesis online form to ask if Kinesis were aware there was an issue.
    Got a prompt reply:

    "Thanks for the heads up, the latest batch that arrived did have some with the internal hub
    shell seal fitted around the wrong way so was holding on to the FH body and causing a
    little seal drag.

    The reported ones we have resolved."
  • comsense
    comsense Posts: 245
    edited August 2014
    Freewheel failed again - less than 200kms done since last failure.

    There is a seal over the outboard end bearings in the freehub.
    This seal has a lip extending from the centre that extends out over the axle. On mine this lip faces outwards.
    Anyone know if this is correct? It would seem to make more sense if it faced inwards. this would tally with Kinesis mail above.
  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,337
    Turn it around and try...

    What do you expect from a sticker maker? They don't make anything of what they sell, it's all outsourced... I'd be surprised if they had a clue on how to fix a problem
    left the forum March 2023
  • comsense
    comsense Posts: 245
    Yeah, I figured I'd try that. won't know if it works for long or not until I try it out.
    I edited my above post and removed the "rant" as Kinesis have got back to me already. If they are prepared to work that quick I'm prepared to give them a fair chance.They say they have identified the problem and will use a new design freewheel. Temporary fix advised is to reverse the seal as above.