Strange noise from Mavic Aksiums

Bwgan Posts: 389
edited July 2014 in Workshop
Hi guys,

Playing about with my bike upside down tonight and when I spin either the front or rear wheel there is a strange noise. It almost sounds like tiny bits of metal inside the rim being jiggled about
I bought the wheels new in Nov last year and have probably done around 2-2.5k miles on them


  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,337
    It's probably tiny shavings of metal from the drilling process... very common. If you remove the rim tape, you might be able to shake them off
    left the forum March 2023
  • Bwgan
    Bwgan Posts: 389
    Ok thanks for your help will have a look next wet day
  • pirnie
    pirnie Posts: 242
    I've had similar noises (but usually in the winter) resulting from road salt recrystallising inside my rims and rattling about. I had to spend about 10 minutes using the wheel as a salt shaker to get it all out the valve hole ;)