South Downs Double, how hard?

thomasmorris Posts: 373
edited August 2014 in MTB general
Has anyone done the South Downs Double or a similar off road endurance route? How big a step up will it be from 100 miles?

What sort of time do you think you'd have to be capable of one way to be able to complete the double, and how would times compare?

I want to have a crack some time, but just wondering if it's possible and what time I should target?


  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    I've done the 'single' a number of times - most recently an overnighter which was pretty tough. I was riding my rigid 29er plus with 3" tyres that weigh a kilo apiece and was cursing them on the long climbs - but I was riding the downhills with abandon. Been thinking about doing the double for a couple of years but it's a big step judging by how I feel after one ride. Apart from Alfriston and maybe Amberley, there's little chance to replenish your food stores en route - I'm not sure I'd want to rely on powders and gels for that long? I may try a double with an overnight next year. Gear-wise I'd go for the lightest bike possibly simply due to the amount of climbing - been riding a CX bike with 41mm tyres and MTB double chainset these last few weeks in Scotland and the Dales and would be my choice.
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • njee20
    njee20 Posts: 9,613
    How big a step up will it be from 100 miles?

    Errr, double...
    What sort of time do you think you'd have to be capable of one way to be able to complete the double, and how would times compare?

    Do you mean just to ride it, or to complete within 24 hours? Because it's out and back it's difficult to say, but I'd want to complete the outward leg in no more than 11 hours (unless there was a howling headwind) to complete the whole thing in 24 hours. If you're not bothered about that then it doesn't matter, just keep plodding on.
  • thomasmorris
    thomasmorris Posts: 373
    edited July 2014
    Ha, well yeah obviously double. But I was thinking that the extra distance, and time might change some of the challenge making a bit harder than just turning around and doing the same again. Stuff like riding in the dark, sleep deprivation, carrying more food.

    I'd definitely want to do the whole thing in 24 hours, however, it's hard to say as I've only gone one way and I'm not sure how much time people loose on the return leg due to darkness / fatigue /carrying more food.

    I understand the only certain answer I'll get is by doing the ride, but I was just wondering if anyone had done similar endurance events, or even the Double and had experience of how speed diminished from a single to double.

    For instance, Njee you've said before that Tim Dunford (correct name?) has done it in 7:15, do you know if he's done a double and how long that took him?
  • njee20
    njee20 Posts: 9,613
    That is correct yep, Tim's not done the double, Ian Leitch has done a double in about 18 hours I believe, and one way in 8 IIRC. It's definitely slower - you can do a single with a tailwind, but that'll bite you on the return leg, even on the longest day you're likely to have to contend with darkness like you say, plus the fatigue etc.

    Like I say, if it were me I'd do the outward leg in the dark, and with a headwind if at all possible (no wind would be better) - making the return leg easier.
  • thomasmorris
    thomasmorris Posts: 373
    Well, I've just done one way in 7:47, so it seems like I'm in the ball park to complete it from a fitness point of view, obviously mechanical and hunger knock or injury / sores could be a show stopper.

    I've been reading a few reports and it seems most people like to start at night so they can finish in the daylight, but I've always thought it would be better to start early morning after a full nights sleep, otherwise you're starting already sleep deprived! But then I've never rode tired in the dark before... so it could be something to really avoid!
  • njee20
    njee20 Posts: 9,613
    Yep, definitely. The key to a fast double seems to be avoiding problems. I think the only person to really manage it without punctures/crashes etc was Josh Ibbett, who I think is still fastest, and he's not that fast (by which I mean not Tim Dunford quick).

    Talk to Rory Hitchens at Upgrade bikes, he was always the unofficial keeper of the SDD records!
  • booldawg
    booldawg Posts: 290
    Have you done the single yet?
    1999 Scott Vail - Work commute
    2015 Giant Anthem 27.5 SX - Weekend riding

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  • njee20
    njee20 Posts: 9,613
    The OP says he has - in 7:47. I've not, but potentially next week if the weather's favourable!
  • I've done it in 7:47.

    Njee it's pretty dry at the moment but I think there is a lot of rain forecast on Wednesday.
  • njee20
    njee20 Posts: 9,613
    Mmmm, Weds was the day it's pencilled in for, now postponed.

    Top effort by the way.
  • Eag1E
    Eag1E Posts: 9
    Yeah nice time, although its very hard to compare like for like as there are so many variations of the route people use.

    Ive done it a couple of times recently sticking to the current route (not via Warnford), crossing the A24 (rather than going over the bridge) and going to the new end (rather than paradise drive) and both times it came in at 98.9 miles, rather than 95.7

    Plenty of info on, plus there are lots of write ups of double attempts around.

    P.S i wouldnt do it this week as the Boomtown festival is on and the SDW route is diverted around it, making it much slower.

  • I'm not sure the variations make much difference. I went to the new end, so no difference to your route there.

    The Warnford section is shorter for sure, but not 5 miles, probably 1 mile at the most. I don't know the difference at the A24 but I reckon most people just cross straight over.

    I wouldn't say those variation make it very hard to compare. Probably 5-10 minutes max.