OS maps: GPS or paper?

Al Downie
Posts: 27
If you've used OS maps on a Garmin GPS unit (eTrex or GPSMAP 62/64) for touring, would you do it again? Or did you revert to paper maps? Or some other mapping system?
I love the idea of OS maps on a handlebar-mounted device, but I just can't believe the tiny screen will be as useful as looking at a real map.
Thanks for any comments,
I love the idea of OS maps on a handlebar-mounted device, but I just can't believe the tiny screen will be as useful as looking at a real map.
Thanks for any comments,
They don't do the same thing though: the small screen is useful for telling you where you are and enabling you to zoom in while the paper map is good for spreading out on a table and getting an overview. It isn't really either-or.
Although having said that I'm not sure I'd go out and spend hundreds of pounds replacing my collection of OS paper maps as lovely as they are.0 -
If you subscribe to OS getamap on the OS website you can download your own custom maps and print them. I find this very useful for mountain biking as the area you ride is quote contained and you can get the whole route in the middle of the map. For very long road roads not so useful.
Continually opening and looking at maps can become a chore sometimes so a GPS device with built in OS maps is very handy for quick uninterrupted navigation but if you go off route it becomes confusing and fiddly.0 -
I wouldn't use OS maps on my Garmin GPSmap64 or Egde 800. The screens are a bit small and the resolution is a bit low for them really. I use OSM based maps which are perfectly good for navigating with on the bike. When walking in the hills I would have a paper OS map in a pocket.0