8 Speed for Numpties

Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
edited July 2014 in Road buying advice

I need some help speccing a new 8 speed cassette/chain combo for my wife's commuter as the current combo needs replacing. So, current cassette is Shimano CS-HG30-8I but this appears to be obsolete. I don't need great performance just something that works well in all weathers. Will a HG41 cassette do? HG40? HG50?

Also, all the tech docs I read says a hyperglide casssette needs a HG chain but I am tempted to just stick a KMC x8 (93/99) on it...but then Sheldon also notes:

Model numbers ending in "I" have Interactive Glide thicker sprockets and thinner spacers, and should only be used with Interactive Glide chain.

So, not sure if KMC chains are IG... or HG...or whether it is all tosh and any 8 speed cassette/chain combo will do.

Any thoughts?

Many thanks...


  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    In my, admittedly limited, experience any 8 speed cassette and 8 speed chain will work acceptably well together.

    But I've never read Sheldon's advice about HG and IG, so may just have been lucky...
  • DiscoBoy
    DiscoBoy Posts: 905
    HG and IG are just Shimano names for things. IG being an ancient technology. Modern KMC chains will all be compatible with HG unless they say otherwise.
    Red bikes are the fastest.
  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    Thanks chaps. An HG50 purchased... and it works perfectly with a KMC X8 chain :)