RE: Boardman Mountain Bike Comp HT 650B 2014

Cody Posts: 565
edited July 2014 in MTB buying advice
Hello, last time I was on here I previously had purchased a Carrera Fury MTB from Halfords in late 2011. It was an all white frame best buy under £600, but I no longer have that bike. I started working in an office and found no time for bike riding so I had to sell it, was sad to see it go as it was my first proper MTB. I recently gave it some further thought and decided that it's worth having a bike and keeping one for a long time so I want to get back in to cycling. Today I took a trip down to my local Halfords store and saw the Carrera Kraken and Boardman MTB's. What struck me first was the sheer and excellent design of the Boardman bike so I decided I would go for something like that at entry level which costs around £649. However, I read a review of it by a recent purchaser and he wasn't happy.

So my question would be, if any of you have purchased this bike, what are its good and bad sides and would you recommend it as a second MTB for general riding around town, occasional off road on canal tow paths once a week and forest riding maybe occasionally?

Also, do any of you know if Halfords have a sale on this bike, if so, could you let me know in advance.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks. :|

- Cody

P.S Here is a picture of the bike - boardman-mountain-bike-comp-ht-650b-2014#[object%20Object]


  • rockmonkeysc
    rockmonkeysc Posts: 14,774
    Boardman bikes are great value for money. I have one of their road bikes, nearly 7000 miles of complete neglect and it's still faultless.
    It's worth finding a Halfords branch with good cycle staff (they do exist) and buy from there to make sure it comes well set up.
    For the riding you intend to do the hybrid may be a better choice, it will certainly be better on tarmac and on tow paths.
  • bj639
    bj639 Posts: 76
    Google 20% of at halfords. Makes it an even better buy
  • Cody
    Cody Posts: 565
    Hi, sorry for the late response I had trouble logging in but thanks for the advice and the suggestion. I think I will stick to a MTB because I occasionally go off road.
    As for Halfords discount, well they don't do 20% off, it's only 10% off MTB bikes, offer valid until 22nd July. I wasn't hoping to purchase a bike overnight as I need a little time to save up. I should have the money in a months time, end of August. I plan to ride through the woods to get to the canal tow path and then ride 13 miles to Leeds city centre and get off at the train station and then catch train back, and then cycle back home through park. But bearing in mind this will only be once a week on a Saturday as I'm working rest of the week and will be able to cycle in evenings around the block. I guess you're thinking why buy a £600 MTB for little use, well I plan on keeping it for a while or for as long as it keeps running until it wears down over the years. The last bike I had the Carrera Fury in white, I kept that spick and span every inch of it and hardly rode it. But anyway any more advice would be greatly appreciated.
  • I got a 2012 ht pro carbon. Had no problems at all with it. I don't see a problem buying at £ 600 . Buy good locks though. Halfords often reduce around bank holidays so keep eyes open , at moment it's road stuff reduced thanks to tour de france. Boardman frames are consistent over range so a good basis to upgrade from if and when need arises. Got mine to a 10 kg beast after changing wheels , cranks, shifters and bars.
  • bj639
    bj639 Posts: 76
    the 20% is done by getting 10% off via a British Cycling Membership then 10% by pre buying halford vouchers. Its nothing to do with a sale
  • Cody
    Cody Posts: 565
    Yeah it looks kinda complicated, got to register on lots of website or something to get 20% off?

    what about the cycle to work scheme, how does it work. do i get the bike for half the price or is there a catch to it?
  • Cody
    Cody Posts: 565
    so they reduce around bank holidays, ill keep an eye out. i want the bike cheaper than £650 at least £600. or less.
  • bj639
    bj639 Posts: 76
    Cody wrote:
    Yeah it looks kinda complicated, got to register on lots of website or something to get 20% off?

    what about the cycle to work scheme, how does it work. do i get the bike for half the price or is there a catch to it?

    vouchers you just register and buy from the site to the value of the bike then just register and buy the British Cycling membership. a bit of a faff but if it save you a hundred quid or so worth it in my mind!
  • muddpuppy
    muddpuppy Posts: 87
    I just explained that I could get 20% off In store and told the shop assistant I did not want to go down the vouchers route if I could help it so would they do the cash alternative instead and they where more than happy to match it they also gave me £60 to spend in store for bits and bobs
    Bear in mind I was spending £1295 in cash which helped with negotiating
    I have a boardman pro and think it the mutz nutz I think it would be hard to find a better specced bike at the price I payed plus the £60 in store credit brought me a shock pump,tyre pump and various other needed items