Technical advice: Simano Ultegra 6800 rear shift slips

kbmack Posts: 73
edited July 2014 in Workshop

I have a new bike with an Ultegra 6800 groupset. All is generally well but I cannot get the shifts to hold in the three lowest gears-they slip all over the cassette and don't hold. My local LBS has had a look and ostensibly without any pressure the shifts stay but out on the road it's a different case with jumps and slips prevalent.

If I may ask the more experienced, what's the best thing to do? I've been to the LBS twice now with this. Is there anything else that may provide a panacea?

Many thanks in advance,



  • desweller
    desweller Posts: 5,175
    I'd be checking for stiff links first of all.
    - - - - - - - - - -
    On Strava.{/url}
  • marin_maniac
    marin_maniac Posts: 513

    I've got 6800 also.

    Has it all been set up correctly? Assuming it has I'd check mech hanger for alignment.

    I've found 6800 much more finicky to set up than 6700.

    6800 when set up correctly shifts very, very well. Persevere old boy.
  • paulmon
    paulmon Posts: 315
    I have had similar issues with my 6800 and I find increasing/reducing cable tension a little using the adjuster fixes the problem.
  • extrusion
    extrusion Posts: 247
    Chain the wrong way round?
  • jonnym5
    jonnym5 Posts: 76
    What condition are the chain and cassette in?

    Is there any play in the rear wheel side to side?

    Is the cassette locking tightened properly?