Can I return this bike??

andysar Posts: 7
edited July 2014 in Road buying advice
On Saturday I bought a Giant Defy 1 from a local shop I told the assistant that the forums say I should be on a M/L frame but he said thats not right because I was taller than him and should be on a large because that is what he rides,( I am smigen under 6 ft). I took his word for this and decided to make any neeeded adjustments when I got home. After setting it up to what I believed was ok I took it out for 30 miles and decided it was to large and felt uncomfortable because my arms were at full lock to reach the handle bars. On the way home from work today I popped into another Giant dealers and he said straight away I was a M/L and would never have sold me a large frame Defy. I feel a bit stupid because I did sit on the original bike in the shop and I did say it was ok but I am a newbie at this game so did not know any better. So what I would like to know is what are my chances of getting the bike changed to M/L.
Have just looked at the Giant sizing guide and according to that I am definitly a M/L so I also belive I have been decieved and misold
Cheers Andy


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Should not be a problem IMO. Its the same bike so they could just swap the wheels over if they do not like the tyres looking used.

    It does not matter what size bike the guy in the shop rides and its not just height anyway.
    He may have short legs and long trunk/arms, but you the opposite.
    Chances are his bike is just too big for him though.

    Get it sorted now and don't be fobbed off with fitting a shorter stem :roll:

    Sooooo many people get a road bike thats too big for them so don't feel too bad.
    People in bike shops recommend them, and even buy them it may seem.
    Size guides (even manufacturers ones) often recommend them too.

    Its a minefield, but at least you will have a much better idea what you want for bike no. 2.
    Bet its not a Giant either :wink:
  • andysar
    andysar Posts: 7
    Thanks for getting back. I have made the first move by phoning them and they are getting the manager to phone me back tomorrow.
  • deimosjohnny
    deimosjohnny Posts: 135
    If you want it replaced take the power into your own hands. Go in store with bike, no manager then leave the bike and get him to call you then.

    What are you wanting new bike right size?
    If they have in stock probably no problem.
    If they have to order in are you happy to wait?
    Yes, then again probably no problem.
    Full refund?
    May have to push a little for this with the miss sold, not fit for purpose (i.e. your fit) you could point out "is it ok" question did not go into detail i.e. are you stretching for the hoods. If you are looking for a refund or the wait is too long and you want a refund just make sure you are confident as to what grounds you are returning.
    Don't be fobbed off and finally if bought on credit card be prepared to leave bike and go through the credit card company for a refund.
    Hopefully it will either be a light push to get it resolved.
  • andysar
    andysar Posts: 7
    All I want is the right size , I know they do not have it in stock as this is why I'm pretty sure I ended up with a large frame . I don't mind waiting as long as they will replace it
  • mfin
    mfin Posts: 6,729
    No way you'd need a large. M/L (or even M could be a possible fit)
  • andysar
    andysar Posts: 7
    I now wish I had looked at the sizing guide first but if a supposed bike expert in a bike shop tells me I'm a large you put your trust in him. I now know better, when I was at the second Giant shop the owner was in the process of measuring up a customer and my alarm bells were ringing knowing that I had made a mistake at the first shop.
  • gpgiant
    gpgiant Posts: 26
    Sorry I can't offer any more advice than you've already had but I had a similar sizing problem when I ordered my 2014 Defy 1. My LBS Giant dealer did not have any bikes for me to try but he sized me up and referred to the Giant chart and told me I was an S frame "every day of the week" but it would be a 3 month wait for an S model due to demand. I'm 5ft 7ins but wasn't convinced of frame size. As I had 3 months to wait, I went to a Giant dealer further away the following week. They sized me before riding a Defy 2 Small and Med frames from stock as the geometry is the same. The Small framed bike was too small and offered no further adjustment to fit me. The Medium was ideal, ordered the Defy 1 and had it the next week. Cancelled my LBS order and explained why. By the way, the dealer I bought from had me as a medium frame when I walked in shop and admitted he would never use the Giant size table to order without frames being in his stock. I've since had a bike fit and the only component change was the 100mm stem for an 80mm and the usual tweaks to saddle and cleat position etc. Hope you get sorted out soon :-)
  • Semantik
    Semantik Posts: 537
    I am 6' tall with 34" inside leg and would be on the Giant M/L frame and no other.

    The Large is too big for you. You have reason to feel disgruntled.
  • andysar
    andysar Posts: 7
    Thanks for everyone who answered my post but I did return the bike and the M/L was a much better fit.
  • gpgiant
    gpgiant Posts: 26
    Result! Hope you enjoy many happy miles :D I'm so glad I never went with the first dealer/chart recommendation and tried bikes 1st.