Sherwood, riding trails the wrong way

BLW Posts: 96
edited July 2014 in MTB general
Me and the OH went up to Sherwood Pines again yesterday for another session on the red, we are really starting to
get to know the that route now, to the point when you’re remembering practically every stump, roots n rock on the track.

It’s getting more enjoyable too, husbands fitness has improved greatly so he’s keeping up endurance wise, my speed and confidence has picked up so I can keep up with him on the faster flowing sections without burying my face into a tree or over shooting corners (as yet… it will happen at some stage I know) we’ve also found that most MTB’s out on the trails are a really friendly bunch, no matter what age or ability, which a great to see. :D

Yesterday we saw a gentleman (presume it was dad) taking his son out on the red route, bless him, he must of only been about 6 years old on his little bike, all kitted out and they were still going strong as we passed them later on (after we’d had a play in the bike park) so sweet, start em off young I say.

However, here comes my little groan and to the point of my post, yesterday we encountered so many people on the red route coming in the wrong direction.

I think by the looks of things, in some cases, people may have got a little lost and strayed off their route and accidently dropped onto the red route, it happens. But after a few near misses (as luck would have it we didn’t collide on the faster overgrown blind bends) but my husband had to slam on, skid and ditch his bike into the greens to avoid injuring a young lady, I also had a few near misses. I mean how bad would you feel injuring someone despite you going in the correct direction, I'd still feel bad personally, last thing I'd want is a crach into someone's son or daughter.

So that put a wee bit of a spoiler half way round,every time we came to a corner, we had to ride a little more cautiously just in case we met someone coming the other way, sometimes you can hear them so you get a pre warning, but if it's someone on their own and they are pushing their bike, you can't hear them.

Does this happen a lot? perhaps they should put more little warning signs up that you can only see from the wrong direction, just to warm people they are going in the wrong direction so they know, to prevent accidents, maybe there is some already there?

It was very busy yesterday at Sherwood, so perhaps it’s not a regular occurrence.

Has anyone ever collided due to folk riding a trail the wrong way?


  • njee20
    njee20 Posts: 9,613
    The National XC series was there yesterday, which I imagine was causing some conflicts on the trails, were they actually open all the way round? If you came across a closed bit I imagine a lot of folk would just retrace their steps.

    Of course folk have collided because people ride the wrong way! A friend had it happen at Swinley - the chap who'd been riding the wrong way punched him in the face, nice guy clearly.
  • BLW
    BLW Posts: 96
    Yes probably down to that I imagine, yes they were all open, a few manned crossing points but business as usual.

    Ok so it was a silly question, just wondered if it's a regular thing that happens I guess.

    Oo heck, your poor friend, charming! .... maybe I should take back what I said about MTB's being friendly folk!
  • ilovedirt
    ilovedirt Posts: 5,798
    There are lots of idiots out there, especially at pines - people who think they'll give mtbing a go but either don't know anything about trail etiquette, or don't have two brain cells to rub together. It's near nottingham, mansfield etc. which I find have highly concentrated levels of stupidity bred into them, and pines is close enough for city-dwelling novices to give it a go. (I was born and raised in Hucknall, but have fortunately managed to move away, before you say anything). Get to more out of the way, hardcore trail centres, and you'll find less of that. Though idiots seem to manage to permeate through no matter what you do, there's just more of them in the midlands than in north wales.
    Production Privee Shan

    B'Twin Triban 5
  • BLW
    BLW Posts: 96
    Ha haa, yeah, point taken.

    I really do wish we were blessed to living closer to the sort of terrain and countryside you are referring to, unfortunately in East Yorkshire it’s about as flat as you can get, I’ve spent a lot of time in North Wales whilst growing up though and holidaying over there since etc (some family live there too) and yes it’s a different play ground altogether, beautiful countryside.

    We really enjoy our camping, so hopefully we will get over and enjoy some of the rugged Welsh mountains on the bikes , even if it’s just for a long weekend.

    Bike Park Wales is a definite, but it would also be nice to try some of the natural trails too, any recommendations for a decent camp site to stop at?

  • peat
    peat Posts: 1,242
    I've been on both ends. First time at a new place, I haplessly set-off down the wrong way and sent a guy off into the bushes in avoidance. I was pretty mortified by my mistake and he was good enough to lead me back to the start point and point out the correct entry. (It wasn't all that obvious in my defense...)

    But also on my first descent of BPW, I met 2 ladies on Yeti's, fully kitted up with full-face & body armour cycling UP one of the blue runs. That was rather surprising.
  • ilovedirt
    ilovedirt Posts: 5,798
    edited July 2014
    BLW wrote:
    Ha haa, yeah, point taken.

    I really do wish we were blessed to living closer to the sort of terrain and countryside you are referring to, unfortunately in East Yorkshire it’s about as flat as you can get, I’ve spent a lot of time in North Wales whilst growing up though and holidaying over there since etc (some family live there too) and yes it’s a different play ground altogether, beautiful countryside.

    We really enjoy our camping, so hopefully we will get over and enjoy some of the rugged Welsh mountains on the bikes , even if it’s just for a long weekend.

    Bike Park Wales is a definite, but it would also be nice to try some of the natural trails too, any recommendations for a decent camp site to stop at?

    No idea about south Wales, but there are plenty of decent camp sites around betws y coed/capel curig, which would make for an awesome riding base. Close enough to the Marin, penmachno, snowdon, brenin etc. :)
    Production Privee Shan

    B'Twin Triban 5
  • kajjal
    kajjal Posts: 3,380
    Some of the Pines red route signs are covered by over grown branches or bushes which does not help. Mid Week most riders are very friendly, not tried weekends.
  • Angus Young
    Angus Young Posts: 3,063
    BLW wrote:
    Bike Park Wales is a definite, but it would also be nice to try some of the natural trails too, any recommendations for a decent camp site to stop at?

    If you're in North Wales then go to the Llyn Gwynant Campsite...

    Best campsite ever! Right at the foot of Snowden and the best of a long list that I've stayed at.
    All the gear, no idea and loving the smell of jealousy in the morning.
    Kona Process 134 viewtopic.php?f=10017&t=12994607
  • rockmonkeysc
    rockmonkeysc Posts: 14,774
    There's a better campsite in Nant Peris. Very basic but right opposite the Vaynol Arms. Very popular with climbers who like a drink and easy access to the best climbs and walks.
  • sniper68
    sniper68 Posts: 2,910
    I rode at Sherwood Pines for the first time in years a couple of weeks a go.It was midweek and I was being guided by a chap who rides there regularly.We did bit's of the red but mostly off-piste stuff and didn't see a soul each time we left the main trail!
    You'd be pleasantly surprised at just how good some of the stuff was :mrgreen:
  • Angus Young
    Angus Young Posts: 3,063
    There's a better campsite in Nant Peris. Very basic but right opposite the Vaynol Arms. Very popular with climbers who like a drink and easy access to the best climbs and walks.

    Nah, I've stayed at that one, not even close. And the food at the pub is crap, too, and priced for the tourists. And it's depressingly Welsh inside, too.
    All the gear, no idea and loving the smell of jealousy in the morning.
    Kona Process 134 viewtopic.php?f=10017&t=12994607
  • lbalony
    lbalony Posts: 301
    I love pines after years of loathing the flat boring place. Now I have fitness and skill to some degree its a fantastic place to ride. Only in summer as all that sand ruins a bb every time for me in winter.

    But unfortunately on a Sunday just like Dalby and Cannock etc it ruined by idiots. Im glad people are getting into it but have some common sense. Last week a lad had no helmet on a 40 quid halfords magna bike doing the downhill run. Yes I know its tame but he was asking to be hurt. On the trails you are held up by the 'want to be's' and 'all the gear and no idea' bunch. No one even moves out for you even if you shout "on your right" as your coming up. At cannock I very nearly plowed a 4 year old over and would have seriously injured him. He's parents was letting him play on the trail???

    Avoid trail centres on a weekend :)
  • .blitz
    .blitz Posts: 6,197
    Cannock has a thriving subculture of folk who ride round in the opposite direction. At night. Allegedly.