Best Stage ... so far

RideOnTime Posts: 4,712
edited July 2014 in Pro race
Yorkshire, London, Lille.... Cobbles...


  • Bakunin
    Bakunin Posts: 868
    Cobbles -- love to watch the GC divas adapt to something out of the ordinary.
  • Lanterne_Rogue
    Lanterne_Rogue Posts: 4,325
    Cobbles for me - engrossing racing throughout the stage. Stage 2 as pretty good too - my friend who has never watched cycling in her life was shouting for Nibali, to her own surprise and embarrassment.
  • takethehighroad
    takethehighroad Posts: 6,810
    Sheffield - It's where I grew up and was everything I ever dreamed it would be
  • Bakunin
    Bakunin Posts: 868
    Sheffield - It's where I grew up and was everything I ever dreamed it would be

    Forgetting the selfies, smartphones, and stuff -- the crowds of the first three stages were impressive and made those stages fun to watch.
  • RideOnTime
    RideOnTime Posts: 4,712
    So nothing yet for Nancy...

    This thread actually started out as a Stage 10 spoiler but while I was fanny-ing about gathering all the pictures I missed the boat...

    So I changed it to this to save face...

    I've not thought this through though... :shock: :shock:
  • RideOnTime
    RideOnTime Posts: 4,712
    Stage 10: Awesome but not part of this thread... sorry