Ride position to protect weak lumbar region?

KnightOfTheLongTights Posts: 1,415
edited July 2014 in Workshop
I have 1-2 weak discs and get back and hip pain towards the end of and after long rides, and during shorter rides if I'm really going for it.
Obviously this affects my performance.
All other things being equal, what riding position adjustments reduce stress on the lower back?
Seat forwards or backwards, up or down?
If I get a bike fit done will they just put me in the 'optimal position' or will they make a compensation for a weak back?


  • DiscoBoy
    DiscoBoy Posts: 905
    If you go to a good fitter, they will take your issues into consideration.
    Red bikes are the fastest.
  • drlodge
    drlodge Posts: 4,826
    A *good* fitter will get you into the best position, I can recommend http://www.thebikewhisperer.co.uk/

    I had a slipped disc a few years back (L4/5) and don't suffer from back trouble at all. I think the key is to keep a straight back, not arched but this may be difficult depending on your physiology. Indeed, if you have an arched back when riding, this may be part of the problem.
    WyndyMilla Massive Attack | Rourke 953 | Condor Italia 531 Pro | Boardman CX Pro | DT Swiss RR440 Tubeless Wheels
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  • Ok thanks - I was hoping there was a standard adjustment that I could try out and see if it helped, before spending £180.
  • Old_Timer
    Old_Timer Posts: 262
    Do the pro fitting, I have 2 levels, L4-L5 and L5-S1, fused and plated, getting things sorted out fitting wise is money well spent. If you have to do it yourself, get a good book, say Cycling Past 50, Joe Friel, for a good guide. You Tube has a bunch f fitting guides, too. P.M. me if you have questions about backs and riding, be glad to share tips.
    Lets just got for a ride, the heck with all this stuff...
  • Old timer I've sent you a pm we back advice.