TdF pictures

Neil Buckley
Neil Buckley Posts: 334
edited July 2014 in Pro race
Theres been some awsome pics out there, certainly in Yorkshire has any one got good hi res ones, really after a similar one on this link, I was on Tubs and have seen a image high res like this but I cannot find it and would like to have it as my wallpaper.
Helmand Province is such a nice place.....


  • frenchfighter
    frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
    Yes there is one on the bmc flickr page which is hi-res. Not the exact same shot but very close. Gruber has some more than incredible photos but they are 1500xsomething max. Cant post either as am on phone but if you cant find it I will post next time im on the pc. Also check the Wall Paper thresd on here for a hi-res may not like my edit but worth checking in case.
    Contador is the Greatest
  • Neil Buckley
    Neil Buckley Posts: 334
    Coolio, cheers mate, just wanted to catch it for the memories!!
    Helmand Province is such a nice place.....