I'm new. Hello!

nickbotfield Posts: 68
edited July 2014 in Road beginners
Hi everyone.

I'm Nick and I've just joined the forum. I've been a regular commuting cyclist for nearly two years and ride a Tern Link P9 folder, which does the job quite well and fits in the cupboard! I'm doing my first triathlon next month so I've been considering getting a proper road bike. I'm not going to ask for recommendations because there will probably be as many suggestions as there as people doing the suggesting! Nevertheless, I look forward to lurking and absorbing as much knowledge as I can!


  • arran77
    arran77 Posts: 9,260
    Welcome Nick.

    Probably best to get yourself a different bike if you plan to do triathlons etc as the Tern, nice as it is, wouldn't be the most suitable :lol:

    Like you say if you ask people what they recommend you'll get so many different answers so it's probably best to just have a read of what's already in the beginner and buying guide section and then get yourself down to your nearest bike shop and try some bikes out.
    "Arran, you are like the Tony Benn of smut. You have never diluted your depravity and always stand by your beliefs. You have my respect sir and your wife my pity" :lol:

  • bikerMau5
    bikerMau5 Posts: 32
    I know you haven't asked for suggestions, so please consider this a recommendation.

    I'm completely new to road biking and cycling as a whole really. After weeks of research, I went for a Boardman Road Sport 2014, got it with 10% off at Hellfords (I think they still have this deal until the tour ends).

    The bike comes very well reviewed, I appreciate as a newbie my expectations are low but this bike is excellent! It looks amazing, feels amazing, its quick but forgiving. Comes with good wheels, and from my knowledge (which is limited) pretty good levers, mech ect. Plus it's a compact so it a bit more forgiving on the hills :)
  • Welcome Nick.

    I don't suppose you are the same Nick Botfield that I know from the old Music Radar forum and The Fretboard?
  • bikerMau5 wrote:
    I know you haven't asked for suggestions, so please consider this a recommendation.

    I'm completely new to road biking and cycling as a whole really. After weeks of research, I went for a Boardman Road Sport 2014, got it with 10% off at Hellfords (I think they still have this deal until the tour ends).

    The bike comes very well reviewed, I appreciate as a newbie my expectations are low but this bike is excellent! It looks amazing, feels amazing, its quick but forgiving. Comes with good wheels, and from my knowledge (which is limited) pretty good levers, mech ect. Plus it's a compact so it a bit more forgiving on the hills :)
    Yeah, the Boardman is definitely on my list of things to try. I'm going to need to take a day off work just to get through the list!
  • Welcome Nick.

    I don't suppose you are the same Nick Botfield that I know from the old Music Radar forum and The Fretboard?
    I am! I don't recognise your username though. Do you have a different name on the guitar forums?
  • Welcome Nick.

    I don't suppose you are the same Nick Botfield that I know from the old Music Radar forum and The Fretboard?
    I am! I don't recognise your username though. Do you have a different name on the guitar forums?

    Yep, I'm octatonic on the audio forums.