Thames Valley Hit & Run On Video

monkimark Posts: 1,881
edited July 2014 in Commuting general
Haven't seen this posted on here, pretty dramatic footage :x ... -bike.html


  • monkimark
    monkimark Posts: 1,881
    The cyclist had bruising and fractures to his two cervical discs in his neck - off work for 3 weeks.
    The car had a dodgy numberplate so not quite bang to rights.
  • pastryboy
    pastryboy Posts: 1,385
    The exact same thing happened to me yesterday only not quite so dramatic - I managed to grab the brake as I saw the car come across me and it was a 4x4 so I went mostly into it rather than as far as the windscreen/

    Unbelievable that drivers aren't looking at what's in the lane coming at them when turning right.
  • apreading
    apreading Posts: 4,535
    About a month ago this could have happened to me when commuting home from work - if I didnt have disc brakes on my commuter, I seriously suspect it would have done...